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Results: 1218

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Links: L = go to Library of Congress, W = go to WorldCat, O = go to Open Library.

   Call Number   Title   Author(s)   
? A 25 .Z2 1993 The Book of Lists David Wallechinsky, Amy Wallace    W O 
? AC 1 .G72 v.1 The Great Conversation: The Substance of a Liberal Education Robert M. Hutchins  L     
? AC 1 .G72 v.2 The Great Ideas: A Syntopicon of Great Books of the Western World I Mortimer J. Adler, William Gorman  L     
? AC 1 .G72 v.3 The Great Ideas: A Syntopicon of Great Books of the Western World II Mortimer J. Adler, William Gorman  L     
? AC 1 .G72 v.4 The Iliad of Homer, The Odyssey Homer, Samuel Butler  L     
? AC 1 .G72 v.5 Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes Aeschylus, Aristophanes, B. B. Rogers, E. P. Coleridge, Euripides, G. M. Cookson, R. C. Jebb, Sophocles  L     
? AC 1 .G72 v.6 The History of Herodotus, The History of the Peloponnesian War George Rawlinson, Herodotus, R. Feetham, Richard Crawley, Thucydides  L     
? AC 1 .G72 v.7 Dialogs, The Seventh Letter Benjamin Jowett, J. Harward, Plato  L     
? AC 1 .G72 v.8 Works I Aristotle, W. D. Ross  L     
? AC 1 .G72 v.9 Works II Aristotle, W. D. Ross  L     
? AC 1 .G72 v.10 Hippocratic Writings, On the Natural Faculties Arthur John Brock, Francis Adams, Galen, Hippocrates  L     
? AC 1 .G72 v.11 Euclid, Archimedes, Appollonius of Perga, Nicomachus Appollonius of Perga, Archimedes, Euclid, Martin L. D'Ooge, Nicomachus, R. Catesby Taliaferro, Thomas Heath  L     
? AC 1 .G72 v.12 On the Nature of Things, The Discourses of Epictetus, The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius Epictetus, George Long, H. A. J. Munro, Lucretius, Marcus Aurelius  L     
? AC 1 .G72 v.13 Poems James Rhoades, Virgil  L     
? AC 1 .G72 v.14 The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans Arthur Hugh Clough, John Dryden, Plutarch  L     
? AC 1 .G72 v.15 The Annals and The Histories Alfred John Church, Cornelius Tacitus, William Jackson Brodribb  L     
? AC 1 .G72 v.16 The Almagest, On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres, Epitome of Copernican Astronomy, The Harmonies of the World Charles Glenn Wallis, Copernican Astronomy, The Harmonies of the world, Johannes Kepler, Nicolaus Copernicus, Ptolemy, R. Catesby Taliaferro  L W O 
? AC 1 .G72 v.17 The Six Enneads B. S. Page, Plotinus, Stephen MacKenna  L     
? AC 1 .G72 v.18 The Confessions, The City of God, On Christian Doctrine Augustine, Edward Bouverie Pusey, J. F. Shaw, Marcus Dods  L     
? AC 1 .G72 v.19 The Summa Theologica I Daniel J. Sullivan, Thomas Aquinas  L     
? AC 1 .G72 v.20 The Summa Theologica II Daniel J. Sullivan, Thomas Aquinas  L     
? AC 1 .G72 v.21 The Divine Comedy Charles Eliot Norton, Dante  L     
? AC 1 .G72 v.22 Troilus and Cressida and The Canterbury Tales Geoffrey Chaucer  L     
? AC 1 .G72 v.23 The Prince. Leviathan; or, Matter, Form, and Power of a Commonwealth, Ecclesiastical and Civil Niccolo Machiavelli, Thomas Hobbes, W. K. Marriott  L     
? AC 1 .G72 v.24 Garguantua and Pantagruel Francois Rabelais, Peter Motteux, Thomas Urquhart  L     
? AC 1 .G72 v.25 Essays Charles Cotton, Michel de Montaigne, W. Carew Hazlitt  L     
? AC 1 .G72 v.26 Plays and Sonnets I William Shakespeare  L     
? AC 1 .G72 v.27 Plays and Sonnets II William Shakespeare  L     
? AC 1 .G72 v.28 On the Loadstone and Magnetic Bodies. Concerning the Two New Sciences. On the Motion of the Heart and Blood in Animals. On the Circulation of the Blood. On the Generation of Animals. Alfonso de Salvio, Fleury Mottelay, Galileo Galilei, Henry Crew, Robert Willis, William Gilbert  L     
? AC 1 .G72 v.29 The History of Don Quixote de la Mancha John Ormsby, Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra  L     
? AC 1 .G72 v.30 Advancement of Learning. Novum Organum. New Atlantis. Francis Bacon  L     
? AC 1 .G72 v.31 Rules for the direction of the mind. Discourse on the method. Meditations on first philosophy. Objections against the meditations and replies. The geometry. Ethics. A. H. Stirling, Benedict de Spinoza, David Eugene Smith, Elizabeth S. Haldane, G. R. T. Ross, Marcia L. Latham, Rene Descartes, W. H. White  L     
? AC 1 .G72 v.32 English Minor Poems. Paradise Lost. Samson Agonistes. Areopagitica. John Milton  L     
? AC 1 .G72 v.33 The Provincial Letters, Pensees, Scientific Treatises Blaise Pascal, Richard Scofield, Thomas M'Crie, W. F. Trotter  L     
? AC 1 .G72 v.34 Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, Optics, Treatise on Light Andrew Motte, Christiaan Huygens, Florian Cajori, Issac Newton, Silvanus P. Thompson  L     
? AC 1 .G72 v.35 A Letter Concerning Toleration. Concerning Civil Government, Second Essay. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding. The Principles of Human Knowledge. An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding. David Hume, George Berkeley, John Locke, William Popple  L     
? AC 1 .G72 v.36 Gulliver's Travels, Tristram Shandy Jonathan Swift, Sterne  L     
? AC 1 .G72 v.37 The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling Henry Fielding  L     
? AC 1 .G72 v.38 The Spirit of Laws. On the Origin of Inequality. On Political Economy. The Social Contract. Charles de Secondat, baron de Montesquieu, G. D. H. Cole, J. V. Prichard, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Thomas Nugent  L     
? AC 1 .G72 v.39 An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations Adam Smith  L     
? AC 1 .G72 v.40 History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire I Edward Gibbon  L     
? AC 1 .G72 v.41 History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire II Edward Gibbon  L     
? AC 1 .G72 v.42 The Critique of Pure Reason. The Critique of Practical Reason, and Other Ethical Treatises. The Critique of Judgement. Immanuel Kant, J. M. D. Meiklejohn, James Creed Meredith, Thomas Kingsmill Abbott  L     
? AC 1 .G72 v.43 Declaration of Independence. Articles of Confederation and the Constitution. The Federalist. On Liberty, Representative Government [and] Utilitarianism Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Jay, John Stuart Mill  L     
? AC 1 .G72 v.44 Life of Samuel Johnson, LL. D. James Boswell  L     
? AC 1 .G72 v.45 Elements of Chemistry. Analytical Theory of Heat. Experimental Researches in Electricity. Alexander Freeman, Antoine Laurent Lavoisier, Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier, Michael Faraday, Robert Kerr  L     
? AC 1 .G72 v.46 The Philosophy of Right. The Philosophy of History. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, J. Sibree, T. M. Knox  L     
? AC 1 .G72 v.47 Faust George Madison Priest, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe  L     
? AC 1 .G72 v.48 Moby Dick Herman Melville  L     
? AC 1 .G72 v.49 The Orgin of Species by Means of Natural Selection Charles Darwin  L     
? AC 1 .G72 v.50 Capital. Manifesto of the Communist Party. Edward Aveling, Friedrich Engels, Herbert Lamm, Karl Marx, Marie Sachey, Samuel Moore  L     
? AC 1 .G72 v.51 War and Peace Aylmer Maude, Leo Tolstoy, Louise Maude  L     
? AC 1 .G72 v.52 The Brothers Karamazov Constance Garnett, Fyodor Dostoevsky  L     
? AC 1 .G72 v.53 The Principles of Psychology William James  L     
? AC 1 .G72 v.54 Major Works Sigmund Freud  L     
? AC 1 .G74 v.1 A General Introduction to the Great Books and to a Liberal Education Mortimer J. Adler, Peter Wolff  L     
? AC 1 .G74 v.2 The Development of Political Theory and Government Mortimer J. Adler, Peter Wolff  L     
? AC 1 .G74 v.3 Foundations of Science and Mathematics Mortimer J. Adler, Peter Wolff  L     
? AC 1 .G74 v.4 Religion and Theology Mortimer J. Adler, Seymour Cain  L     
? AC 1 .G74 v.5 Philosophy of Law and Jurisprudence Mortimer J. Adler, Peter Wolff  L     
? AC 1 .G74 v.6 Imaginative Literature I: From Homer to Shakespeare Mortimer J. Adler, Seymour Cain  L     
? AC 1 .G74 v.7 Imaginative Literature II: From Cervantes to Dostoevsky Mortimer J. Adler, Seymour Cain  L     
? AC 1 .G74 v.8 Ethics, the Study of Moral Values Mortimer J. Adler, Seymour Cain  L     
? AC 1 .G74 v.9 Biology, Psychology, and Medicine Mortimer J. Adler, V. J. McGill  L     
? AC 1 .G74 v.10 Philosophy Mortimer J. Adler, Seymour Cain  L     
? AC 5 .L34 The Last Cuckoo -- The Very Best Letters to the Times since 1900 Kenneth Gregory    W O 
? AE 6 .M273 The Macmillan Visual Desk Reference Diagram Group  L W O 
? AG 5 .C737 The Concise Columbia Encyclopedia  L W O 
? AG 6 .N495 The New York Times Guide to Essential Knowledge  L W O 
? AG 195 .F457 When Did Wild Poodles Roam the Earth? David Feldman  L W O 
? AG 195 .F47 Why Do Dogs Have Wet Noses? and Other Imponderables of Everyday Life David Feldman    W O 
? AG 195 .V64 The Book of Totally Useless Information Don Voorhees  L W O 
? AG 243 .F42 How Does Aspirin Find a Headache? David Feldman  L W O 
? AG 243 .T62 The Top 10 of Everything Russell Ash  L     
? AM 7 .S556 The Participatory Museum Nina Simon    W   
? BF 67 .C33 How to Win Friends and Influence People Dale Carnegie    W O 
? BF 173 .F7 Civilization and its Discontents Sigmund Freud    W O 
? BF 175.5 .C65 S87 Synchronicity Kirby Surprise    W   
? BF 241 .M56 The Mind's Eye Jeremy M. Wolfe  L W O 
? BF 408 .V58 A Whack on the Side of the Head: How to Unlock Your Mind for Innovation Roger von Oech  L     
? BF 431 .G782 Know Your Own Mind James Greene  L W O 
? BF 441 .A28 Conceptual Blockbusting James L. Adams    W O 
? BF 531 .N67 Emotional Design Donald A. Norman    W   
? BF 575 .L8 A53 The Art and Practice of Loving Frank Andrews  L W O 
? BF 637 .N4 F57 Getting to Yes Roger Drummer Fisher, Bruce M. Patton, William L. Ury    W O 
? BF 637 .N4 F57 1991 Getting to Yes, 2nd ed. Roger Drummer Fisher, Bruce M. Patton, William L. Ury  L W O 
? BF 637 .S8 A8 The Name of Your Game Stuart Atkins    W   
? BF 637 .S8 C68 The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People Stephen R. Covey    W O 
? BF 637 .V47 E432 The Last Word on the Gentle Art of Verbal Self-Defense Suzette Haden Elgin  L W O 
? BF 697.5 .S43 N53 Think Twice Bret Nicholaus, Paul Lowrie  L W O 
? BF 698.95 .W75 The Moral Animal Robert Wright  L W O 
? BF 774 .C55 Influence Robert B. Cialdini  L     
? BF 1623 .S4 M83 Tantra Charles Muir  L     
? BF 1779 .F4 C66 The Western Guide to Feng Shui Terah Kathryn Collins    W O 
? BH 301 .C84 D62 The Power of Limits: Proportional Harmonies in Nature, Art, and Architecture Gyorgy Doczi  L     
? BJ 1500 .T78 S35 Liars and Outliers Bruce Schneier    W   
? BJ 1581 .C3662 How to Enjoy Your Life and Your Job Dale Carnegie  L W O 
? BJ 1595 .S767 The Book of Questions Gregory Stock  L W O 
? BJ 1853 .M293 Common Courtesy: In Which Miss Manners Solves the Problem that Baffled Mr. Jefferson Judith Martin  L     
? BP 605 .C68 W56 A Return to Love Marianne Williamson  L W O 
? BV 45 .G73 Every Day is Christmas Bradley Trevor Greive  L W O 
? CT 109 .L58 The Little, Brown Book of Anecdotes Clifton Fadiman  L     
? CT 275 .P648 A33 Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance Robert M. Pirsig    W O 
? D 743.5 .B38 v.1 Illustrated World War II Encyclopedia, vol. 1 Eddy Bauer    W O 
? D 743.5 .B38 v.2 Illustrated World War II Encyclopedia, vol. 2 Eddy Bauer    W O 
? D 743.5 .B38 v.3 Illustrated World War II Encyclopedia, vol. 3 Eddy Bauer    W O 
? D 743.5 .B38 v.4 Illustrated World War II Encyclopedia, vol. 4 Eddy Bauer    W O 
? D 743.5 .B38 v.5 Illustrated World War II Encyclopedia, vol. 5 Eddy Bauer    W O 
? D 743.5 .B38 v.6 Illustrated World War II Encyclopedia, vol. 6 Eddy Bauer    W O 
? D 743.5 .B38 v.7 Illustrated World War II Encyclopedia, vol. 7 Eddy Bauer    W O 
? D 743.5 .B38 v.8 Illustrated World War II Encyclopedia, vol. 8 Eddy Bauer    W O 
? D 743.5 .B38 v.9 Illustrated World War II Encyclopedia, vol. 9 Eddy Bauer    W O 
? D 743.5 .B38 v.10 Illustrated World War II Encyclopedia, vol. 10 Eddy Bauer    W O 
? D 743.5 .B38 v.11 Illustrated World War II Encyclopedia, vol. 11 Eddy Bauer    W O 
? D 743.5 .B38 v.12 Illustrated World War II Encyclopedia, vol. 12 Eddy Bauer    W O 
? D 743.5 .B38 v.13 Illustrated World War II Encyclopedia, vol. 13 Eddy Bauer    W O 
? D 743.5 .B38 v.14 Illustrated World War II Encyclopedia, vol. 14 Eddy Bauer    W O 
? D 743.5 .B38 v.15 Illustrated World War II Encyclopedia, vol. 15 Eddy Bauer    W O 
? D 743.5 .B38 v.16 Illustrated World War II Encyclopedia, vol. 16 Eddy Bauer    W O 
? D 743.5 .B38 v.17 Illustrated World War II Encyclopedia, vol. 17 Eddy Bauer    W O 
? D 743.5 .B38 v.18 Illustrated World War II Encyclopedia, vol. 18 Eddy Bauer    W O 
? D 743.5 .B38 v.19 Illustrated World War II Encyclopedia, vol. 19 Eddy Bauer    W O 
? D 743.5 .B38 v.20 Illustrated World War II Encyclopedia, vol. 20 Eddy Bauer    W O 
? D 743.5 .B38 v.21 Illustrated World War II Encyclopedia, vol. 21 Eddy Bauer    W O 
? D 743.5 .B38 v.22 Illustrated World War II Encyclopedia, vol. 22 Eddy Bauer    W O 
? D 743.5 .B38 v.23 Illustrated World War II Encyclopedia, vol. 23 Eddy Bauer    W O 
? D 743.5 .B38 v.24 Illustrated World War II Encyclopedia, vol. 24 Eddy Bauer    W O 
? DA 679 .L59948 London, 9th ed. Emilie Filou    W O 
? DG 988.8 .B537 Lonely Planet Malta & Gozo Abigail Blasi    W O 
? DJ 219 .V44 A3 The Escape: A True Story Berend Jan Veenstra    W   
? DS 493.3 .A76 Trekking in the Nepal Himalaya, 4th ed. Lonely Planet    W O 
? DS 493.42 .B83 Portrait of Nepal Kevin Bubriski  L W O 
? DS 493.9 .S5 D68 Rhythms of a Himalayan Village Hugh R. Downs  L W O 
? DU 105 .A97 Australia, 10th ed. Lonely Planet    W O 
? E 169.1 .W685 The Kandy-Kolored Tangerine-Flake Streamline Baby Tom Wolfe  L     
? E 175.85 .L64 Lies My Teacher Told Me James W. Loewen    W O 
? E 885 .F727 Lies: And the Lying Liars Who Tell Them Al Franken  L W O 
? E 889 .B37 Dave Barry Hits Below the Beltway Dave Barry  L W O 
? E 912 .L48 2018 The Fifth Risk Michael Lewis    W   
? E 912 .W65 Fire and Fury Michael Wolff  L     
? F 1009 .F76 Frommer's Canada Shawn Blore, Wayne Curtis, Hilary Davidson, Herbert Bailey Livesey, Bill McRae    W O 
? FILE 1 .L37 Efficient Generation of Test Patterns Using Boolean Satisfiability Tracy Larrabee    W   
? FILE 1 .P47 PPC ROM Pocket Guide Personal Programming Center        
? FILE 1 .P57 The Complexity Theory of Switching Networks Nicholas Pippenger        
? FILE 1 .R33 Semiconductor Reference and Application Handbook Radio Shack    W   
? FILE 1 .T67 Multi-directional Search: A Direct Search Algorithm for Parallel Machines Virginia Torczon        
? FILE 1 .V44 Burning Man Comments: Mortorious Kerry Veenstra        
? G 70.212 .C4735 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems Kang-Tsung Chang    W   
? G 108.7 .M66 How to Lie with Maps Mark S. Monmonier  L W O 
? G 850 1910 .S4 W55 The Lost Photographs of Captain Scott David M. Wilson  L W O 
? G 1025 .A36 The Atlas of Atlases Phillip Allen    W O 
? GA 197.3 .M67 Antique Maps Carl Moreland    W O 
? GE 105 .G66 The Cartoon Guide to the Environment Larry Gonick, Alice Outwater  L W O 
? GN 406 .M45 Material World Peter Menzel, Charles C. Mann, Paul Kennedy  L     
? GR 930 .H377 Happy Birthday February 11 James Victore, Cheryl Knippenburg  L     
? GT 4985 .F79 The Indisputable Existence of Santa Claus Hannah Fry    W   
? GV 199.44 .N46 B49 A Guide to Trekking in Nepal Stephen Bezruchka  L W O 
? GV 476 .F8413 Karate-do Kyohan Gichin Funakoshi  L W O 
? GV 1045.5 .C22 S261 Mountain Biking Santa Cruz David Diller, Allison Diller    W O 
? GV 1114.3 .N35 v.1 Best Karate 1 Masatoshi Nakayama  L W O 
? GV 1114.3 .N35 v.2 Best Karate 2 Masatoshi Nakayama    W O 
? GV 1114.3 .N35 v.3 Best Karate 3 Masatoshi Nakayama    W O 
? GV 1114.3 .N35 v.5 Best Karate 5 Masatoshi Nakayama    W O 
? GV 1201 .F56 The New Games Book New Games Foundation, Andrew Fluegelman  L W O 
? GV 1201 .F57 More New Games! New Games Foundation, Andrew Fluegelman    W O 
? GV 1446 .E23 Chess for Dummies James Eade  L W O 
? GV 1469 .M65 O73 The Monopoly Companion Philip Orbanes  L W O 
? GV 1469.3 .H38 How to Master the Video Games Tom Hirschfeld    W O 
? GV 1469.3 .L63 Mind at Play Geoffrey R. Loftus, Elizabeth F. Loftus    W   
? GV 1493 .P8925 Puzzlegrams Pentagram Design  L W O 
? GV 1507 .M3 A22 Mad Mazes Robert Abbott    W O 
? GV 1507 .M3 I53 The Original Area Mazes Naoki Inaba, Ryoichi Murakami    W O 
? GV 1547 .G5293 Secrets of Magic, Ancient and Modern Walter B. Gibson  L     
? GV 1853.3 .C22 D5785 Disneyland Detective Kendra Trahan  L W O 
? HA 29 .H82 How to Lie with Statistics Darrell Huff  L W O 
? HA 29 .W622 Introductory Statistics for Business and Economics Thomas H. Wonnacott, Ronald J. Wonnacott  L W O 
? HA 31 .T83 The Visual Display of Quantitative Information Edward R. Tufte    W   
? HB 72 .F75 Morals and Markets Daniel Friedman    W O 
? HB 74 .M3 K534 Elements of Econometrics Jan Kmenta  L   O 
? HB 74 .P8 L479 Freakonomics Steven D. Levitt, Stephen J. Dubner  L W O 
? HB 171.5 .B322 Economics, Principles, and Policy William J. Baumol, Alan S. Blinder  L W O 
? HB 171.5 .H66 Price Theory and Applications Jack Hirshleifer  L W O 
? HB 171.5 .K718 Economics Paul Krugman, Robin Wells  L W O 
? HB 171.5 .N574 Intermediate Microeconomics and its Application, 2nd ed. Walter Nicholson  L W O 
? HB 171.5 .W76 Economics Paul Wonnacott, Ronald Wonnacott  L W O 
? HB 172.5 .B74 Macroeconomics William H. Branson, James M. Litvack  L W O 
? HB 501 .F72 Free to Choose Milton Friedman    W O 
? HB 3716 .K77 The Return of Depression Economics and the Crisis of 2008 Paul Krugman  L W O 
? HB 3743 .K78 End this Depression Now! Paul Krugman  L     
? HC 79 .H53 D38 Marketing High Technology William H. Davidow  L     
? HC 106.82 .H39 Natural Capitalism Paul Hawken, Amory B. Lovins, L. Hunter Lovins    W O 
? HC 106.84 .K78 Arguing with Zombies: Economics, Politics, and the Fight for a Better Future Paul Krugman    W O 
? HC 110 .W4 S73 The Millionaire next Door Thomas J. Stanley, William D. Danko  L     
? HD 30.23 .K456 Sources of Power Gary A. Klein    W O 
? HD 30.29 .G381 Are Your Lights On? Donald C. Gause, Gerald M. Weinberg  L W O 
? HD 31 .D325 Future Perfect Stanley M. Davis    W   
? HD 31 .D42185 Peopleware: Productive Projects and Teams Tom DeMarco, Timothy Lister  L W O 
? HD 69 .B7 C47 The Name's the Thing Henri Charmasson  L W O 
? HD 69 .B7 R537 The 22 Immutable Laws of Branding Al Ries, Laura Ries  L W O 
? HD 266 .C2 H95 Buying & Selling a Home in California Dian Davis Hymer  L W O 
? HD 1375 .T534 How to Buy a House, Condo, or Co-op Michael C. Thomsett  L W O 
? HD 9696.2 .U64 I2545 Who Says Elephants Can't Dance? Louis V. Gerstner  L W O 
? HD 9696.63 .A2 C53 In Search of Stupidity Merrill R. Chapman  L W O 
? HD 9705.5 .P854 A474 Still Turning: A History of Aermotor Windmills Christopher C. Gillis  L     
? HD 9745 .U5 W567 Did Monkeys Invent the Monkey Wrench? Vince Staten  L W O 
? HE 199 .A2 M39 Uncommon Carriers John McPhee    W O 
? HE 8697.65 .U6 S45 Seizing the Air Waves Ron Sakolsky, Stephen Dunifer    W O 
? HF 1017 .M358 A First Course in Business Statistics, 8th ed. James T. McClave, P. George Benson, Terry Sincich  L W O 
? HF 5381 .M197 Beware the Naked Man Who Offers You His Shirt: Do What You Love, Love What You Do, Deliver more than You Promise Harvey Mackay    W O 
? HF 5386 .M474 What They Don't Teach You at Harvard Business School Mark H. McCormack    W O 
? HF 5415 .M32374 Marketing Technical Ideas and Products Successfully! Lois K. Moore, Daniel L. Plung  L W O 
? HF 5415 .R54369 The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing Al Ries, Jack Trout  L W O 
? HF 5429.5 .S33 S63 Bargain Hunting in the Bay Area Sally Socolich    W O 
? HF 5548.4 .L67 H36 1-2-3 for Dummies Greg Harvey  L W O 
? HF 5657.4 .D54 Fundamentals of Finance and Accounting for Nonfinancial Executives Susan Z. Diamond, American Management Association International    W   
? HF 5695 .C44 An Easy Course in Using the HP 19BII Chris Coffin  L     
? HF 5719 .B55 Writing Reports to Get Results Ron S. Blicq, Lisa A. Moretto  L W O 
? HG 179 .C6647 The Consumer Reports Money Book Janet Bamford, Jeff Blyskal, Emily Card, Aileen Jacobson  L W O 
? HG 4026 .W448 Essentials of Managerial Finance, 12th ed. Scott Besley, Eugene F. Brigham  L W O 
? HG 4521 .O83 Invest like the Best James P. O'Shaughnessy  L W O 
? HG 4527 .B37 The Beardstown Ladies' Common-Sense Investment Guide Beardstown Ladies Investment Club  L     
? HG 4910 .M67 The Wall Street Journal Guide to Understanding Money & Investing Kenneth M. Morris, Alan M. Siegel  L W O 
? HG 4921 .L96 Beating the Street Peter Lynch  L W O 
? HG 4930.5 .C64 House of Cards William D. Cohan    W O 
? HM 131 .Y64 Individual Strategy and Social Structure H. Peyton Young  L     
? HM 846 .S362 Data and Goliath Bruce Schneier  L W O 
? HM 1231 .S73 How Propaganda Works Jason Stanley    W   
? HN 49 .P6 P375 The Black Box Society: The Secret Algorithms that Control Money and Information Frank Pasquale  L     
? HQ 536 .G68 Why Marriages Succeed or Fail John Gottman  L     
? HQ 734 .S6117 Making Marriage Work for Dummies Steven S. Simring  L     
? HQ 799.97 .U5 B74 Transitions William Bridges    W O 
? HV 2474 .C67 Signing Elaine Phd Costello    W O 
? HV 6626.2 .S59 No Visible Bruises Tachel Louise Snyder    W   
? HV 6773 .M45 Cult of the Dead Cow Joseph Menn  L     
? HV 6773.3 .R8 G75 Sandworm: A New Era of Cyberwar and the Hunt for the Kremlin's Most Dangerous Hackers Andy Greenberg  L     
? JF 1525 .I6 M45 The Ultimate Spy Book H. Keith Melton    W   
? JK 275 .M27 It's Even Worse than It Looks Thomas E. Mann  L W O 
? JK 421 .A3 The United States Government Manual 2008/2009 United States. Office of the Federal Register    W O 
? JK 1760 .H4 Twenty-Five Lessons in Citizenship D. L. Hennessey    W O 
? K 47 .H7 Holland in Motion Martin Kers    W   
? K 639 .A41989 A2 Convention on the Rights of the Child General Assembly of the United Nations  L W O 
? KF 387 .C547 The Consumer Reports Law Book Carol Haas    W O 
? KF 734 .Z9 C57 Make Your Own Living Trust Denis Clifford  L W O 
? KF 1262 .F37 Habeas Data Cyrus Farivar  L W O 
? KF 5701 .I5 1991 Dwelling Construction under the Uniform Building Code International Conference of Building Officials        
? KF 5708 .C27 Code Check HVAC: A Field Guide to Heating and Cooling Redwood Kardon, Michael Casey, Douglas Hansen    W O 
? KFC 141 .Z9 W36 Homestead Your House Ralph E. Warner  L W O 
? KFC 976 .Z9 W37 Everybody's Guide to Small Claims Court Ralph E. Warner  L W O 
? LB 2322.2 .D39 The New Education: How to Revolutionize the University to Prepare Students for a World in Flux Cathy N. Davidson  L W O 
? LB 2367.4 .G43 Essential Words for the GRE Philip Geer    W O 
? LB 2369 .T8 A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations Kate L. Turabian    W   
? LC 212.82 .S27 Failing at Fairness Myra Sadker, David Sadker  L     
? LD 3231 .M70 Space Division and Scheduling in Multiple Access and Some Information-Theoretic Approaches to Problems in Networking Kamran Sayrafian-Pour    W   
? M 1630.18 .L44 T65 Too Many Songs by Tom Lehrer Tom Lehrer    W O 
? ML 419 .L56 A3 The Great Morgani: The Creative Madness of Middle-Aged Stockbroker Turned Street Musician Frank Lima    W   
? ML 552 .A92 v.1 The Art of Organ-Building, vol. 1 George Ashdown Audsley  L     
? ML 552 .A92 v.2 The Art of Organ-Building, vol. 2 George Ashdown Audsley  L     
? ML 1030 .M34 Rhythm & Beauty Rocky Maffit  L W O 
? ML 1040 .W35 Bells and Their Music Wendell Westcott  L W O 
? ML 1092 .C7 Arduino Music and Audio Projects Mike Cook    W O 
? ML 3470 .H67 Songbook Nick Hornby  L W O 
? ML 3800 .M85 Music and Mathematics John Fauvel  L W O 
? ML 3805 .F58 The Physics of Musical Instruments Neville H. Fletcher  L W O 
? MT 723 .H82 The MIDI Manual, 3rd ed. David Miles Huber    W   
? MT 737 .S6 Music in Video Production Rosanne Soifer    W O 
? N 72 .M3 V58 The Visual Mind: Art and Mathematics Michele Emmer  L     
? N 72 .M3 V581 The Visual Mind II (Leonardo Books) Michele Emmer  L W   
? N 6490 .A87 Art Speak Robert Atkins  L W O 
? N 6537 .M665 M67 Bill Moss: Fabric Artist & Designer Marilyn Moss    W O 
? N 6797 .G64 A4 1990 Andy Goldsworthy Andy Goldsworthy  L     
? N 6797 .G64 A4 1994 Stone Andy Goldsworthy    W O 
? N 7430.5 .K6 Inversions Scott Kim    W O 
? N 7430.5 .S8413 Stereogram Howard Rheingold    W O 
? NA 31 .C446 A Visual Dictionary of Architecture Francis D. K. Ching    W O 
? NA 722 .B7 The Prairie School H. Allen Brooks  L W O 
? NA 2500 .A445 A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction Christopher Alexander, Sara Ishikawa, Murray Silverstein  L W   
? NA 2500 .A45 The Timeless Way of Building Christopher Alexander  L W O 
? NA 2500 .A47 The Oregon Experiment Christopher Alexander, Murray Silverstein, Shlomo Angel, Sara Ishikawa, Denny Abrams  L     
? NA 2500 .C45 The Tao of Architecture Amos Ih Tiao Chang    W O 
? NA 2708 .C88 Drafting House Plans June Curran  L W O 
? NA 2750 .S35 Living Spaces Thomas Schmitz-Guenther, Loren E. Abraham, Thomas A. Fisher    W O 
? NA 2750 .W66 Principles of Three-dimensional Design Wucius Wong  L W O 
? NA 2790 .G55 Cut & Assemble Frank Lloyd Wright's Robie House Edmund V. Gillon    W O 
? NA 2850 .S8 Inside the Not So Big House Sarah Susanka, Marc Vassallo  L W O 
? NA 3503 .A1 S67 Ornamental Ironwork Michael Southworth, Susan Southworth  L W O 
? NA 3950 .G74 Treasury of Ironwork Designs Carol Belanger Grafton  L W O 
? NA 3950 .L413 Classic French Wrought Iron Raymond Lecoq, Richard J. Wattenmaker  L W O 
? NA 7115 .J33 The Good House Murray Silverstein, Max Jacobson, Barbara Winslow  L W O 
? NA 7208 .S88 Creating the Not So Big House Sarah Susanka  L W O 
? NA 7208 .S884 Home by Design Sarah Susanka    W O 
? NA 7218 .L56 Frank Lloyd Wright's Prairie Houses Carla Lind  L W O 
? NA 7238 .C4 H63 Frank Lloyd Wright's Robie House Donald Hoffmann  L W O 
? NA 7571 .D8225 Bungalow Basics, Kitchens Paul Duchscherer, Douglas Keister  L W O 
? NB 1220 .H3 Creating Welded Sculpture Nathan Cabot Hale  L W O 
? NC 730 .E34 Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain Betty Edwards  L W O 
? NC 770 .G38 Drawing and Cartooning 1,001 Faces Dick Gautier  L W O 
? NC 1320 .G37 The Career Cartoonist Dick Gautier  L W O 
? NC 1325 .G39 The Art of Caricature Dick Gautier  L W O 
? NC 1429 .G724 A4 Work is Hell Matt Groening  L W O 
? NC 1429 .M15 A4 Great Moments in Architecture David Macaulay  L W O 
? NC 1764 .W25 The Lexicon of Comicana Mort Walker    W O 
? NC 1765 .G7 Cartoon Animation Milton Gray  L W O 
? NC 1766 .U52 D58 The Illusion of Life Frank Thomas Bullen, Ollie Johnston  L W O 
? ND 553 .M37 A41 Matisse Henri Matisse    W O 
? ND 553 .M7 M558 Monet Sophie Monneret    W O 
? NE 670 .E75 A4 M.C. Escher, 29 Master Prints M. C. Escher  L W O 
? NK 1535 .E25 W67 The Work of Charles and Ray Eames Donald Albrecht, Joseph Giovannini, Philip Morrison, Phylis Morrison, Alan Lightman, Beatriz Colomina, Helene Lipstadt  L W O 
? NK 2110 .E56 Dream Homes Andreas Von Einsiedel, Johanna Thornycroft    W O 
? NK 2110 .G48 The Decorating Book Mary Gilliatt    W O 
? NK 2115 .M38 Home Decorating for Dummies Katharine Kaye McMillan, Patricia Hart McMillan  L W O 
? NK 2115.5 .C6 N55 White by Design Bo Niles    W O 
? NK 2115.5 .L5 D46 Ultimate Lighting Design Herve Descottes    W O 
? NK 2115.5 .T73 P75 Transparent Elspeth Pridham  L W O 
? NK 2117 .C4 C46 Children's Rooms & Play Yards Sunset Books  L     
? NK 2117 .K5 C375 Kitchens Encarna Castillo  L W O 
? NK 2117 .K5 G797 Kitchen Culture Johnny Grey    W O 
? NK 2117 .K5 M38 Kitchens: Design Is in the Details Brad Mee    W O 
? NK 2117 .K5 S54 House Beautiful Kitchens Carol Sama Sheehan  L W O 
? NK 2195 .A6 B37 Living Large in Small Spaces Marisa Bartolucci, Radek Kurzaj  L W O 
? NK 2195 .O4 M3 Making the Most of Work Spaces Lorrie Mack  L     
? NK 2195 .O4 R55 Home Offices John Riha  L W O 
? NK 2395 .D67 The New Furniture Peter Dormer  L W O 
? NK 2715 .F47 1000 Chairs Charlotte Fiell, Peter Fiell, Simone Philippi  L W O 
? NK 8205 .E53 A Pictorial Encyclopedia of Decorative Ironwork Otto Hoever    W O 
? NK 8205 .M282 Artistry in Iron: 183 Designs A. Raguenet  L     
? NK 8243 .G6 Decorative Iron and Metalwork R. Goodwin-Smith    W O 
? NK 8262 .H54213 Spanish Decorative Ironwork    W O 
? NK 8595.2 .T68 B83 I Am Plastic Paul Budnitz  L W O 
? NX 180 .S3 W55 Art of Tinkering Karen Wilkinson, Mike Petrich    W O 
? NX 510 .N32 B63443 Black Rock City, NV: The New Ephemeral Architecture of Burning Man Philippe Glade  L W O 
? NX 510 .N48 D64 This is Burning Man Brian Doherty  L W O 
? P 90 .D625 Trees, Maps, and Theorems Jean-Luc Doumont    W   
? P 91 .G626 The Cartoon Guide to (non)Communication Larry Gonick  L W O 
? P 211 .L73 The Alphabet Effect Robert K. Logan  L W O 
? P 305 .R48 They Have a Word for It Howard Rheingold  L W O 
? P 409 .L88 Doublespeak William Lutz    W O 
? PA 5615 .O87 L6413 Logicomix Apostolos K. Doxiadis, Christos H. Papadimitriou    W O 
? PE 1072 .B76 Mother Tongue Bill Bryson  L     
? PE 1112 .W377 English Grammar and Composition John E. Warriner, Francis Griffith        
? PE 1408 .S772 The Elements of Style, 3rd ed. E. B. White, William Strunk Jr.  L W   
? PE 1421 .F58 Elements of Eloquence: How to Turn the Perfect English Phrase Mark Forsyth  L     
? PE 1429 .Z5 On Writing Well William Zinsser  L W O 
? PE 1429 .Z53 Writing to Learn William Zinsser  L     
? PE 1449 .B635 The Superior Person's Book of Words Peter Bowler  L W O 
? PE 1450 .T75 Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation Lynne Truss  L W O 
? PE 1460 .B785 Bryson's Dictionary of Troublesome Words: A Writer's Guide to Getting It Right Bill Bryson  L W O 
? PE 1475 .M44 Style in Technical Writing Ronald K. Messer  L W O 
? PE 1505 .H6 1989 Rhyme's Reason: A Guide to English Verse, new enl. ed. John Hollander  L W O 
? PE 1574 .E7 In a Word Margaret S. Ernst  L W O 
? PE 1580 .C56 The Roots of English Robert Claiborne  L W O 
? PE 1583 .A46 It's Raining Cats and Dogs Christine Ammer    W O 
? PE 1591 .B45 Bernstein's Reverse Dictionary Theodore M. Bernstein  L     
? PE 1591 .D6 Roget's College Thesaurus Philip D. Morehead        
? PE 1591 .F5 Synonyms, Antonyms, and Prepositions James C. Fernald        
? PE 1591 .G67 The Describer's Dictionary David Grambs  L W O 
? PE 1625 .O9 v.1 The Compact Edition of the Oxford English Dictionary, Volume I Oxford University Press  L     
? PE 1625 .O9 v.2 The Compact Edition of the Oxford English Dictionary, Volume II Oxford University Press  L     
? PE 1625 .W33 Webster's New World Dictionary of the American Language David Bernard Guralnik, Merriam-Webster  L W O 
? PE 1680 .R63 The Word Finder J. I. Rodale  L     
? PE 2846 .C46 New Dictionary of American Slang Robert L. Chapman  L     
? PF 640 .R4 Dutch Dictionary Fernand Renier    W O 
? PL 856 .U673 N4513 The Wind-up Bird Chronicle Haruki Murakami    W O 
? PM 8415 .O47 The Klingon Dictionary Marc Okrand        
? PN 1040 .A5 G7 Aristotle: On Poetry and Style Aristotle, G. M. A. Grube  L     
? PN 1040 .A7 B8 Aristotle's Theory of Poetry and Fine Art S. H. Butcher  L     
? PN 1992.4 .R55 E54 Gene Roddenberry Joel Engel    W O 
? PN 1992.75 .C59 Video Field Production and Editing Ronald J. Compesi, Ronald E. Sherriffs  L     
? PN 1992.75 .K86 Take One Jack Kuney  L     
? PN 1992.77 .D6273 H37 The Doctor Who Technical Manual Mark Harris    W O 
? PN 1992.77 .D6275 S363 Wise Words from Across Space and Time Cavan Scott  L W O 
? PN 1992.77 .S73 G76 The Fifty Year Mission Edward Gross, Mark A. Altman  L W O 
? PN 1992.77 .T5653 D57 International Rescue Thunderbirds Agents' Technical Manual Sam Denham  L W O 
? PN 1992.77 .T87 Z52 The Twilight Zone Companion Marc Scott Zicree  L W O 
? PN 1994 .B457 Movies of the 90's Jurgen Muller    W O 
? PN 1995 .D68 Art of Technique, The John S. Douglass, Glenn P. Harnden    W O 
? PN 1995 .E319 Your Movie Sucks Roger Ebert  L W   
? PN 1995.9 .F58 Aviators in Early Hollywood Shawna Kelly  L W O 
? PN 1996 .C814 Writing the Short Film Patricia Cooper, Ken Dancyger  L W O 
? PN 1996 .F43 Screenplay Syd Field    W O 
? PN 1996 .F43 2005 Screenplay Syd Field    W   
? PN 1996 .H563 Movie Magic Screenwriter Kevin Hindley  L W O 
? PN 1997 .A3425 American Beauty Alan Ball, Sam Mendes  L W O 
? PN 1997 .C5117 The Citizen Kane Book Herman J. Mankiewicz, Orson Welles, Pauline Kael  L     
? PN 1997 .I479 A24 The Making of Independence Day Rachel Aberly  L W O 
? PN 1997 .S795 J64 The Star Wars Sketchbook Joe Johnston  L     
? PN 1998.3 .K83 K3 The Cinema of Stanley Kubrick Norman Kagan  L     
? PN 2071 .I5 J63 Impro Keith Johnstone    W O 
? PN 2091 .E4 H69 Control Freak: A Real World Guide to DMX512 and Remote Device Management Wayne Howell    W   
? PN 2091 .M3 H46 Mechanical Design for the Stage Alan Hendrickson    W   
? PN 2091 .M3 T43 v.1 Technical Design Solutions for Theatre, vol. 1 Don Harvey    W   
? PN 2091 .M3 T43 v.2 Technical Design Solutions for Theatre, vol. 2 Don Harvey    W   
? PN 2091 .M3 T43 v.3 Technical Design Solutions for Theatre, vol. 3 Don Harvey    W   
? PN 2091 .S8 C32 The Backstage Handbook, 3rd ed. Paul Carter, George Chiang    W O 
? PN 2287 .F634 G384 The Disneyland Story, the Unofficial Guide to the Evolution of Walt Disney's Dream Sam Gennawey    W O 
? PN 3355 .W3724 Creating Character Arcs K. M. Weiland    W   
? PN 4192 .E53 M33 Presentations That Work Carole M. Mablekos    W   
? PN 4784 .O24 G65 Bias Bernard Goldberg  L W O 
? PN 6018 .D4 S3 The Omnibus of Crime Dorothy L. Sayers        
? PN 6081 .B27 Familiar Quotations John Bartlett    W O 
? PN 6084 .C556 R39 Unwritten Laws Hugh Rawson  L     
? PN 6120.95 .S33 W67 The World Treasury of Science Fiction David G. Hartwell  L     
? PN 6161 .W5223 A Sub-treasury of American Humor E. B. White, Katharine S. White        
? PN 6162 .B5 The Best of Modern Humor Mordecai Richler  L     
? PN 6231 .C23 C38 Cats' Letters to Santa Bill Adler, Paul Bacon  L W O 
? PN 6231 .E4 H3 The New Hacker's dictionary Eric S. Raymond  L     
? PN 6231 .H763 E27 Earth (The Book) Jon Stewart, David Javerbaum, Rory Albanese, Steve Bodow, Josh Lieb    W O 
? PN 6231 .I65 Y68 Henny Youngman's 888 Greatest Insults Henny Youngman  L W O 
? PN 6710 .M3325 Making Comics Scott McCloud    W O 
? PN 6728 .B24 H358 B. C. Right On Johnny Hart    W   
? PN 6728 .B57 B68 Bloom County Babylon Berkeley Breathed  L W O 
? PN 6728 .C34 C2 Calvin and Hobbes Bill Watterson    W O 
? PN 6728 .C34 S6 Something under the Bed is Drooling Bill Watterson  L W O 
? PN 6728 .C34 W2 Weirdos from Another Planet! Bill Watterson  L W O 
? PN 6728 .C34 W3852 Calvin and Hobbes 10th Anniversary Bill Watterson    W O 
? PN 6728 .C34 W3866 Homicidal Psycho Jungle Cat Bill Watterson  L W O 
? PN 6728 .I2 G67 I Would Lick It for Hours Mel Hynes, James Grant    W O 
? PN 6728 .L49 G695 Childhood is Hell Matt Groening  L W O 
? PN 6728 .L49 G7 Love is Hell Matt Groening  L W O 
? PN 6728 .L49 G73 School is Hell Matt Groening  L W O 
? PQ 2637 .A274 P43713 The Little Prince Antoine de Saint-Exupery  L     
? PQ 2637 .A274 T43 Wind, Sand and Stars Antoine de Saint-Exupery  L     
? PR 2892 .H55 Shakespeare's Insults William Shakespeare, Wayne F. Hill, Cynthia J. Ottchen  L W O 
? PR 4571 .A2 D45 A Tale of Two Cities Charles Dickens    W   
? PR 4611 .A7 The Annotated Alice Lewis Carroll  L W O 
? PR 4611 .A71 Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Lewis Carroll  L W O 
? PR 5489 .C5 A Child's Garden of Verses Robert Louis Stevenson  L W O 
? PR 5774 .T5 The Time Machine H. G. Wells  L W O 
? PR 6005 .L36 A617 2061: Odyssey Three Arthur C. Clarke  L     
? PR 6005 .L36 G37 The Garden of Rama Arthur C. Clarke, Gentry Lee    W O 
? PR 6005 .L36 R36 Rama II Arthur C. Clarke  L     
? PR 6005 .L36 R37 Rama Revealed Arthur C. Clarke  L     
? PR 6005 .L36 R4 Rendezvous with Rama Arthur C. Clarke  L     
? PR 6005 .L38 T86 2001: A Space Odyssey Arthur C. Clarke  L     
? PR 6025 .I65 A6 The Complete Tales & Poems of Winnie-the-Pooh A. A. Milne        
? PR 6029 .R8 A63 Animal Farm George Orwell  L W O 
? PR 6029 .R84 N55 Nineteen Eighty-Four, a Novel George Orwell  L     
? PR 6029 .R84 Z72 1984--Notes George Orwell, Frank H. Thompson    W O 
? PR 6051 .D3352 H5 The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Douglas Adams    W O 
? PR 6051 .D3352 M7 Mostly Harmless Douglas Adams  L W O 
? PR 6051 .D3352 R4 The Restaurant at the End of the Universe Douglas Adams  L W O 
? PR 6052 .A54 G65 The Golden Mean Nick Bantock        
? PR 6052 .A54 G75 Griffin & Sabine Nick Bantock  L W O 
? PR 6052 .A54 S24 Sabine's Notebook Nick Bantock  L W O 
? PR 6064 .A935 R4 Red Dwarf Grant Naylor  L W O 
? PR 6064 .A935 R461 The Official Red Dwarf Companion Grant Naylor, Bob Grant, Doug Naylor    W O 
? PR 6119 .T79 Accelerando Charles Stross  L W O 
? PS 648 .F3 M23 Machine of Death: A Collection of Stories about People Who Know How They Will Die Ryan North, Matthew Bennardo, David Malki !    W O 
? PS 648 .S5 T48 This is How You Die: Stories of the Inscrutable, Infallible, Inescapable Machine of Death Ryan North, Matthew Bennardo, David Malki !        
? PS 2615 .A1 The Gold-Bug and Other Tales Edgar Allan Poe  L W O 
? PS 3503 .R167 M37 The Martian Chronicles Ray Bradbury    W O 
? PS 3503 .R167 Z478 Zen in the Art of Writing Ray Bradbury    W O 
? PS 3513 .E2 Z786 The Annotated Cat: Under the Hats Of Seuss and His Cats Philip Nel    W O 
? PS 3513 .I2824 M58 Mona Lisa Overdrive William Gibson  L     
? PS 3515 .E37 O4 The Old Man and the Sea Ernest Hemingway  L     
? PS 3539 .H49 T5 c.2 The Thurber Carnival James Thurber        
? PS 3539 .H94 My Life and Hard Times James Thurber    W O 
? PS 3551 .L44 G4 Getting Even Woody Allen  L     
? PS 3552 .R685434 D3 The Da Vinci Code Dan Brown    W O 
? PS 3553 .R48 P74 Prey Michael Crichton  L W O 
? PS 3557 .A712 G7 Grendel John Gardner  L     
? PS 3557 .E69 T76 Trouble with Tribbles David Gerrold    W O 
? PS 3557 .I2264 A64 Agency William Gibson    W O 
? PS 3562 .E42 L3 The Lathe of Heaven Ursula K. Le Guin    W O 
? PS 3568 .U298 S73 Spaceland: A Novel of the Fourth Dimension Rudy Rucker  L W O 
? PS 3570 .E5195 E95 Exegesis Astro Teller  L W O 
? PS 3570 .O54 C66 A Confederacy of Dunces John Kennedy Toole  L     
? PS 3571 .P4 I44 In the Beauty of the Lilies John Updike  L     
? PS 3611 .O74948 C35 The Calculating Stars Mary Robinette Kowal    W O 
? PS 3611 .O74948 F38 The Fated Sky Mary Robinette Kowal    W O 
? PT 921 .K5613 The Complete Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm Jacob Grimm, Wilhelm Grimm, Jack Zipes, Johnny Gruelle  L     
? PT 2621 .A26 A25 Selected Short Stories of Franz Kafka Franz Kafka    W O 
? PZ 7 .G983 Tom Edison: Boy Inventor Sue Guthridge  L W O 
? PZ 7 .L532 Harold and the Purple Crayon Crockett Johnson  L     
? Q 125 .B947 The Day the Universe Changed James Burke  L     
? Q 141 .L19 The Laureates' Anthology John J. Moeling        
? Q 141 .S293 Scientific Genius and Creativity Scientific American  L     
? Q 162 .B567 2002 The Best American Science Writing 2002 (Best American Science Writing) Matt Ridley    W O 
? Q 162 .B88 A Short History of Nearly Everything Bill Bryson  L W O 
? Q 164 .B846 Exploratorium Cookbook I Raymond Bruman  L     
? Q 164 .H4 Mr. Wizard's Science Secrets Don Herbert  L     
? Q 164 .H48 Mr. Wizard's Supermarket Science Don Herbert  L     
? Q 164 .H586 Exploratorium Cookbook II Ron Hipschman  L     
? Q 164 .H5862 Exploratorium Cookbook III Ron Hipschman  L     
? Q 167 .C65 Absolute Zero Gravity Betsy Devine, Joel E. Cohen  L     
? Q 167 .W4 More Random Walks in Science Robert L. Weber  L W O 
? Q 167 .W42 A Random Walk in Science Robert L. Weber  L W O 
? Q 172.5 .C45 G54 Chaos James Gleick  L     
? Q 173 .M962 How To: Absurd Scientific Advice for Common Real-World Problems Randall Munroe    W O 
? Q 173 .M964 Thing Explainer Randall Munroe    W O 
? Q 173 .M965 What If? Randall Munroe  L W O 
? Q 175 .K95 The Structure of Scientific Revolutions Thomas S. Kuhn    W O 
? Q 175 .T495 Late Night Thoughts on Listening to Mahler's Ninth Symphony Lewis Thomas  L     
? Q 181 .C67 Students and Research: Practical Strategies for Classrooms and Science Competitions Julia H. Cothron, Ronald N. Giese, Richard J. Rezba    W O 
? Q 181 .U473 700 Science Experiments for Everyone Unesco    W O 
? Q 182.3 .B79 Painless Science Projects Faith Hickman Brynie  L W O 
? Q 325.5 .A46 Introduction to Machine Learning, 2nd ed. Ethem Alpaydin    W   
? Q 335 .H63 Metamagical Themas Douglas R. Hofstadter  L     
? Q 360 .Y48 A First Course in Information Theory Raymond W. Yeung  L W O 
? QA 3 .W67 v.1 The World of Mathematics, vol. 1 James R. Newman  L     
? QA 3 .W67 v.2 The World of Mathematics, vol. 2 James R. Newman  L     
? QA 3 .W67 v.3 The World of Mathematics, vol. 3 James R. Newman  L     
? QA 3 .W67 v.4 The World of Mathematics, vol. 4 James R. Newman  L     
? QA 9 .N3 Godel's Proof James R. Newman, Ernset Nagel  L W O 
? QA 9.6 .B73 Algorithmics Gilles Brassard, Paul Bratley  L     
? QA 9.8 .H63 Godel, Escher, Bach Douglas R. Hofstadter  L     
? QA 11 .P61 How to Solve It, 2nd ed. George Polya  L W   
? QA 27.5 .L44 Hidden Figures Margot Lee Shetterly  L     
? QA 28 .B4 Men of Mathematics Eric Temple Bell  L     
? QA 28 .M37 Mathematical People Donald J. Albers, Gerald L. Alexanderson  L     
? QA 29 .B2 A3 Passages from the Life of a Philosopher Charles Babbage  L W O 
? QA 39.2 .G47 Mathematical Structures for Computer Science Judith L. Gersting  L W O 
? QA 43 .L669 Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Essential Computer Mathematics Seymour Lipschutz  L W O 
? QA 43 .P62 Mathematical Discovery George Polya  L W O 
? QA 47 .A34 Handbook of Mathematical Functions Milton Abramowitz  L     
? QA 47 .C7 CRC Standard Mathematical Tables, 24th ed. Chemical Rubber Company  L     
? QA 73 .A8 An Easy Introduction to the Slide Rule Isaac Asimov  L   O 
? QA 75 .H663 HP-41C Owner's Handbook and Programming Guide Hewlett-Packard Company        
? QA 75 .H667 HP-41C Standard Applications Hewlett-Packard Company        
? QA 75 .H668 HP-41 Advantage, Advanced Solutions Pac Hewlett-Packard Company        
? QA 75 .H67 v.1 HP-41CX Owner's Manual, vol. 1 Hewlett-Packard Company        
? QA 75 .H67 v.2 HP-41CX Owner's Manual, vol. 2 Hewlett-Packard Company        
? QA 75 .H7 HP-12C Owner's Handbook and Problem-Solving Guide Hewlett-Packard Company        
? QA 75 .H71 HP 12C Financial Calculator User's Guide Hewlett-Packard Company        
? QA 75 .H73 HP-19C/HP-29C Owner's Handbook and Programming Guide Hewlett-Packard Company        
? QA 75 .H74 HP-22 Owner's Handbook Hewlett-Packard Company        
? QA 75 .H75 HP 35s Scientific Calculator User's Guide Hewlett-Packard Company        
? QA 75 .P6 P6 PPC ROM User's Manual Personal Programming Center    W   
? QA 76 .D348 Beyond Calculation Peter J. Denning  L W O 
? QA 76 .G589 Computer Science Les Goldschlager, Andrew Lister  L W O 
? QA 76 .G593 The Cartoon Guide to the Computer Larry Gonick    W O 
? QA 76 .H279 v.A Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science J. Van Leeuwen  L W O 
? QA 76 .L23 W56 LISP, 2nd ed. Patrick Henry Winston        
? QA 76 .W58 Understanding Computers and Cognition Terry Winograd, Fernando Flores    W O 
? QA 76.15 .E48 Encyclopedia of Computer Science Anthony Ralston, Edwin D. Reilly  L     
? QA 76.17 .W56 A History of Computing Technology Michael R. Williams  L W O 
? QA 76.28 .R49 Schaum's Outline of Principles of Computer Science (Schaum's Outlines) Carl Reynolds, Paul T. Tymann    W O 
? QA 76.5 .L455 Handbook of Microprocessors, Microcomputers, and Minicomputers John D. Lenk  L W O 
? QA 76.5 .N665 The Invisible Computer Donald A. Norman  L W O 
? QA 76.5 .S775 From ENIAC to UNIVAC Nancy B. Stern  L     
? QA 76.5 .W5 Automatic Digital Computers M. V. Wilkes  L     
? QA 76.54 .B88 Hard Real-Time Computing Systems, 2nd ed. Giorgio C. Buttazzo  L W   
? QA 76.54 .D68 Real-Time Design Patterns Bruce Powel Douglass    W   
? QA 76.54 .L37 Real-Time Systems Design and Analysis Phillip A. Laplante, Seppo J. Ovaska    W   
? QA 76.5915 .V38 Interconnecting Smart Objects with IP Jean-Philippe Vasseur, Adam Dunkels    W   
? QA 76.6 .A365 Principles of Compiler Design Jeffrey D. Ullman, Alfred V. Aho        
? QA 76.6 .B452 More Programming Pearls: Confessions of a Coder Jon Bentley  L     
? QA 76.6 .B453 Programming Pearls Jon Bentley  L     
? QA 76.6 .C62 Operating Systems Theory Edward G. Coffman, Jr., Peter J. Denning  L W O 
QA 76.6 .C6274 Version Control with Subversion, 2nd ed. C. Michael Pilato, Ben Collins-Sussman, Brian W. Fitzpatrick    W O 
? QA 76.6 .C662 Introduction to Algorithms Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest    W O 
? QA 76.6 .C662 2009 Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd ed. Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, Clifford Stein  L W O 
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QA 447 .O76 Art Gallery Theorems and Algorithms Joseph O'Rourke    W O 
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? QC 903 .H64 Climate Cover-Up James Hoggan    W O 
? QC 981.8 .G56 M639 Heat: How to Stop the Planet from Burning George Monboit    W   
? QD 31.2 .D52 Chemical Principles Richard Earl Dickerson  L     
? QE 89 .M37 Assembling California John McPhee  L W O 
? QE 522 .S23 Why the Earth Quakes Matthys Levy, Mario Salvadori  L     
? QH 31 .D2 M54 Darwin for Beginners Jonathan Miller, Borin Van Loon  L     
? QH 81 .G673 The Flamingo's Smile Stephen Jay Gould  L     
? QH 91 .C66 The Silent World Jacques Yves Cousteau  L     
? QH 308.2 .C34 Biology, 2nd ed. Neil Alexander Campbell, Jane B. Reece, Lisa A. Urry, Michael L. Cain, Steven A. Wasserman, Peter V. Minorsky  L W O 
? QH 311 .L645 Life at the Edge James L. Gould, Carol Grant Gould  L     
? QH 311 .T56 The Medusa and the Snail Lewis Thomas  L     
? QH 324.2 .C44 Bioinformatics for Dummies Jean-Michel Claverie  L W O 
? QH 331 .T45 The Lives of a Cell Lewis Thomas        
? QH 361 .G66 The Panda's Thumb Stephen Jay Gould  L     
? QH 367 .S395 Evolution vs. Creationism Eugenie Carol Scott  L     
? QH 431 .R475 Genome Matt Ridley    W O 
? QH 436 .G66 The Cartoon Guide to Genetics Larry Gonick, Mark Wheelis    W O 
? QH 437 .D38 The Selfish Gene Richard Dawkins    W O 
? QH 442 .R37 Recombinant DNA James D. Watson, Jan Witkowski, Michael Gillman, Mark Zoller  L W O 
? QH 528.5 .S56 Lifespan David A. Sinclair, Watthew D. LaPlante    W O 
? QH 545 .N83 S24 A Path Where No Man Thought Carl Sagan, Richard Turco  L W O 
? QL 46.5 .F7 P6 A Pocket Guide to O'Reilly Animals Edie Freedman, Nathalie Mainland        
? QL 82 .A33 Last Chance to See Douglas Adams, Mark Carwardine  L W O 
? QL 653 .C2 S68 Reptiles and Amphibians of the San Francisco Bay Region Robert C. Stebbins  L     
? QL 737 .M73 R57 Echidna Peggy Rismiller    W O 
? QP 84 .T4 On Growth and Form D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson  L W O 
? QP 361 .D48 Understanding the Nervous System Sid Deutsch, Alice Deutsch  L     
? QP 376 .S638 The Memory Bible Gary W. Small  L W O 
? QP 551 .P3974 Protein Stucture and Function Gregory A. Petsko, Dagmar Ringe    W O 
? QP 620 .B576 Biological Sequence Analysis Richard Durbin, Sean R. Eddy, Anders Krogh, Graeme Mitchison  L W O 
? R 857 .B54 S4555 Sensors, Nanoscience, Biomedical Engineering and Instruments Richard C. Dorf  L     
? RA 778 .J15 Color for Men Carole Jackson    W O 
? RA 784 .C235 The China Study T. Colin Campbell, Thomas M. Campbell II  L W O 
? RA 784 .P643 In Defense of Food Michael Pollan    W O 
? RA 784 .P643 c.2 In Defense of Food Michael Pollan  L W O 
? RC 81 .N525 The New Medicine Show Consumers Union of United States  L     
? RC 103 .A4 H33 Mountain Sickness Peter H. Hackett  L W O 
? RC 351 .S1948 An Anthropologist on Mars Oliver Sacks  L W O 
? RC 489 .R3 K7 You Can Change How You Feel Gerald Kranzler        
? RC 523 .M33 The 36-hour Day: A Family Guide to Caring for Persons with Alzheimer's Disease, Related Dementing Illnesses, and Memory Loss in Later Life Nancy L. Mace, Peter V. Rabins  L     
? RC 685 .C6 S79 Before the Heart Attacks H. Robert Superko, Laura Tucker  L W   
? RL 131 .W35 Treating Acne Richard A. Walzer  L W O 
? RM 237.59 .B76 Jane Brody's Good Food Book Jane E. Brody    W   
? RM 302.5 .U56 The Complete Drug Reference Consumer Reports    W O 
? RM 315 .W44 From Chocolate to Morphine Andrew Weil, Winifred Rosen  L W O 
? SB 125 .E36 Sunset Pruning Handbook Philip Edinger  L W O 
? SB 439.8 .C63 Water-Conserving Plants & Landscapes for the Bay Area, 2nd ed. Barrie D. Coate  L     
? SB 473 .E334 Garden Designs Philip Edinger  L     
? SB 476.4 .R45 Landscape Graphics Grant W. Reid  L W O 
? SB 603.5 .N36 Dead Snails Leave no Trails Loren Nancarrow, Janet Hogan Taylor  L W O 
? SF 442 .P8213 Simon and Schuster's Guide to Cats Gino Pugnetti    W O 
? SF 445.5 .M678 Claude Randy Moravec  L W O 
? SF 446.5 .F54 The Tiger on Your Couch Bill Fleming  L W O 
? SF 446.6 .K86 How to Toilet-Train Your Cat Paul Kunkel  L W O 
? SF 447.3 .W35 The Cats' House Bob Walker  L W O 
? T 11 .M346 Technical Writing Michael H. Markel    W   
? T 11 .M3465 Writing in the Technical Fields Michael H. Markel    W   
? T 11.4 .E345 Editing the Refereed Scientific Journal Donald L. Kinser  L W O 
? T 14 .N67 Things That Make Us Smart Donald A. Norman  L W O 
? T 27 .J3 K393 101 Unuseless Japanese Inventions Kenji Kawakami, Dan Papia    W O 
? T 27 .J3 K394 99 More Unuseless Japanese Inventions Kenji Kawakami, Dan Papia    W O 
? T 47 .S84 How Do They Do That? Caroline Sutton  L W O 
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? T 353 .L628 Graphics in Engineering Design, 3rd ed. A. S. Levens  L W O 
? T 385 .D875 3D Math Primer for Graphics and Game Development Fletcher Dunn, Ian Parberry    W   
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? T 385 .P3 The RenderMan Interface Pixar        
? T 385 .R43414 Real-Time Volume Graphics Klaus Engel, Markus Hadwiger, Joe M. Kniss, Christof Rezk-salama, Daniel Weiskopf    W   
? TA 148 .M335 Applied Minds: How Engineers Think Guruprasad Madhavan  L     
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? TA 157 .K24 Real-World Engineering Lawrence J. Kamm  L W O 
? TA 167 .M59 Digital Apollo David A. Mindell  L W O 
? TA 168 .B37 Shape and Structure, from Engineering to Nature Adrian Bejan    W O 
? TA 168.5 .L37 POC or GTFO Manul Laphroaig, Travis Goodspeed    W O 
? TA 168.5 .L37 v.2 POC or GTFO, Volume II Manul Laphroaig, Travis Goodspeed    W O 
? TA 169.5 .D45 The Field Guide to Understanding 'Human Error', 3rd ed. Sidney Dekker  L W   
? TA 174 .P474 To Engineer is Human Henry Petroski  L     
? TA 340 .A75 The Probability Tutoring Book Carol Ash    W O 
? TA 345 .P355 Introduction to Matlab 7 for Engineers William J Palm III    W   
? TA 350 .M458 Engineering Mechanics, Vol. 1 J. L. Meriam  L W O 
? TA 368 .A55 2003 v.1 ISO/IEC 14882: Programming Languages -- C++, vol. 1 ANSI        
? TA 368 .A55 2003 v.2 ISO/IEC 14882: Programming Languages -- C++, vol. 2 ANSI        
? TA 469 .A8 Wrought Iron: Its Manufacture, Characteristics and Applications, 3rd ed. James Aston, Edward B. Story  L     
? TA 658.2 .H645 Structural Design for the Stage, 2nd ed. Alys E. Holden, Bronislaw J. Sammler, Bradley L. Powers, Steven A. Schmidt    W   
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? TD 170 .M36 The Control of Nature John McPhee  L     
? TD 778 .B58 The Septic System Owner's Manual Lloyd Kahn    W   
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? TH 151 .K5 v.2 The Architects' and Builders' Pocket-Book, 16th ed., vol. 2 Frank Eugene Kidder  L     
? TH 439 .C37 Code Check Building: A Field Guide to the Building Codes Redwood Kardon, Michael Casey    W O 
? TH 439 .K372 Code Check West: A Field Guide to Building a Safe House Redwood Kardon, Michael Casey, Douglas Hansen    W O 
? TH 441 .L48 Why Buildings Fall Down Matthys Levy    W O 
? TH 2275 .W567 Windows & Skylights Sunset Books  L W O 
? TH 2521 .B57 Floors, Walls & Ceilings Graham Blackburn  L W O 
? TH 4815 .R675 Building Your Own House Robert Roskind  L W O 
? TH 4815 .R676 Building Your Own House II Robert Roskind    W O 
? TH 4816.3 .K58 K59 Kitchens & Bathrooms Sunset Books  L W O 
? TH 4816.3 .K58 R36 The Complete Book of Kitchen Design Ellen Rand  L W O 
? TH 4817.3 .G56 Complete Guide to Home Repair and Maintenance Bernard Gladstone    W O 
? TH 6057 .A6 D84 Alternatize Your Home James T. Dulley    W O 
? TH 6057 .A6 D841 Cut Your Utility Bills in Half Dulley    W O 
? TH 6125 .K367 Code Check Plumbing Redwood Kardon, Michael Casey, Douglas Hansen  L W O 
? TH 9705 .C66 Home Security Sydney C. Cooper, Anne Scott  L W O 
? TJ 151 .M3 1943 Machinery's Handbook, 11th ed. Erik Oberg, F. D. Jones  L     
? TJ 211 .B82 Distributed Control of Robotic Networks Francesco Bullo, Jorge Cortes, Sonia Martinez    W   
? TJ 213 .O28 Modern Control Engineering Katsuhiko Ogata  L     
? TJ 216 .F723 Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems Gene F. Franklin, J. David Powell, Abbas Emami-Naeini    W   
? TJ 216.5 .D57 Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Feedback and Control Systems, 2nd ed. Joseph J. DiStefano, III, Allen J. Stubberud, Ivan J. Williams    W   
? TJ 217.7 .L34 MicroC/OS-II Jean J. Labrosse    W   
? TJ 223 .T7 N6 Handbook of Transducers for Electronic Measuring Systems Harry N. Norton  L     
? TJ 825 .B2579 The 702 Model Windmill T. Lindsay Baker    W O 
? TJ 825 .B258 American Windmills T. Lindsay Baker    W O 
? TJ 1165 .C475 Modern Machine Shop's Guide to Machining Operations Woodrow Chapman    W O 
? TJ 1165 .M535 Audel Machine Shop Basics Rex Miller, Mark Richard Miller  L W O 
? TJ 1185 .H36 Machining for Dummies Kip Hanson  L W O 
? TJ 1189 .H21 7 Easy Steps to CNC Programming ... A Beginner's Guide David S. Hayden    W O 
? TJ 1189 .H22 7 Easy Steps to CNC Programming, Book II David S. Hayden    W O 
? TJ 1189 .S29 Computer Numerical Control Programming Michael Sava, Joseph Pusztai  L W O 
? TJ 1189 .S592 CNC Programming Handbook, 3rd ed. Peter Smid    W O 
? TJ 1189 .S593 CNC Programming Techniques Peter Smid    W O 
? TK 145 .E435 Electronics, Power Electronics, and Optoelectrics Richard C. Dorf  L     
? TK 153 .A47 Micro Electro Mechanical System Design James J. Allen  L W O 
? TK 260 .S7 One and Two Family Dwelling James G. Stallcup, James W. Stallcup        
? TK 454 .K48 Inside Spice Ron M. Kielkowski    W   
? TK 454.2 .D4 Basic Circuit Theory Charles A. Desoer, Ernest S. Kuh  L     
? TK 1001 .S93 Systems and Controls, Embedded Systems, Energy, and Machines Richard C. Dorf  L     
? TK 3271 .K37 Code Check Electrical: A Field Guide to Wiring a Safe House Redwood Kardon, Douglas Hansen, Michael Casey  L W O 
? TK 5101 .B425 Mathematical Theory of Connecting Networks and Telephone Traffic V. E. Benes  L W O 
? TK 5101 .B425 c.2 Mathematical Theory of Connecting Networks and Telephone Traffic V. E. Benes  L     
? TK 5101 .H373 An Introduction to Analog and Digital Communications, 2nd ed. Simon Haykin, Michael Moher    W   
? TK 5101 .L333 Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems, 3rd ed. B. P. Lathi    W   
? TK 5101 .S448 Claude Elwood Shannon Claude Elwood Shannon  L W O 
? TK 5101.55 .F67 Attacking Network Protocols: A Hacker's Guide to Capture, Analysis, and Exploitation James Forshaw    W O 
? TK 5102.5 .R525 Digital Signal Processing Richard A. Roberts    W   
? TK 5102.85 .I57 Intrusion Detection in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks Nabendu Chaki, Rituparna Chaki    W   
? TK 5102.9 .C495 The Electrical Engineering Handbook Richard C. Dorf  L     
? TK 5102.9 .L96 Understanding Digital Signal Processing Richard G. Lyons  L W O 
? TK 5102.9 .P47 Signals, Systems, and Transforms, 4th ed. Charles L Phillips, John M. Parr, Eve A. Riskin    W   
? TK 5103.2 .M33 Wireless Digital Communications Tom McDermott    W O 
? TK 5103.2 .R366 Wireless Communications Theodore S. Rappaport    W   
? TK 5103.2 .W37 WarDriving & Wireless Penetration Testing Chris Hurley    W O 
? TK 5103.2 .W5737 Wireless Networks and Security Shafiullah Khan, Al-Sakib Khan Pathan    W O 
? TK 5103.4835 .R37 Millimeter Wave Wireless Communications Theodore S. Rappaport, Robert W. Heath, Jr., Robert C. Daniels, James N. Murdock    W   
? TK 5103.4885 .S52 6LoWPAN Zach Shelby, Carsetn Bormann    W   
? TK 5103.59 .B76 Broadcasting and Optical Communication Technology Richard C. Dorf  L     
? TK 5103.7 .B35 Multi-Carrier Digital Communications Ahmad R. S. Bahai, Burton R. Saltzberg, Mustafa Ergen    W   
? TK 5103.7 .F67 Get on the Air with HF Digital: The Beginner's Guide to FT8, WSPR, PSK31, and More!, 2nd ed. Steve Ford  L     
? TK 5103.7 .L44 Digital Communication John R. Barry, Edward A. Lee, David G. Messerschmitt    W   
? TK 5104 .D38 The Satellite Experimenter's Handbook Martin R. Davidoff  L     
? TK 5105 .B478 Data Networks Dimitri P. Bertsekas, Robert Gallager    W   
? TK 5105 .S73 Data and Computer Communications, 8th ed. William Stallings    W   
? TK 5105.2 .T34 The ARRL Image Communications Handbook Ralph Taggart  L W O 
? TK 5105.3 .M48 Packet Communication, MIT/LCS/TR-114 Robert M. Metcalfe        
? TK 5105.5 .A28 Ad Hoc Networking Charles E. Perkins  L W O 
? TK 5105.5 .F36 Delay- and Disruption-Tolerant Networking Stephen Farrell, Vinny Cahill    W   
? TK 5105.5 .K484 Mathematical Foundations of Computer Networking Srinivasan Keshav    W   
TK 5105.5 .L52 Mastering Networks Jorg Liebeherr, Magda El Zarki    W   
? TK 5105.5 .P34 The Elements of Networking Style and Other Essays and Animadversions on the Art of Intercomputer Networking M. A. Padlipsky    W   
? TK 5105.5 .P474 Interconnections, 2nd ed. Radia Perlman  L W   
? TK 5105.5 .T36 Computer Networks, 3rd ed. Andrew S. Tanenbaum  L W O 
? TK 5105.5 .T36 2011 Computer Networks, 5th ed. Andrew S. Tanenbaum, John David Wetherall    W   
? TK 5105.543 .I87 Introduction to Network Simulator NS2 Teerawat Issariyakul, Ekram Hossain    W   
? TK 5105.55 .S74 v.1 TCP/IP Illustrated, vol. 1 W. Richard Stevens    W   
? TK 5105.55 .S74 v.2 TCP/IP Illustrated, vol. 2 W. Richard Stevens, Gary R. Wright  L W   
? TK 5105.565 .G85 CGI Programming on the World Wide Web Shishir Gundavaram  L W O 
? TK 5105.585 .K69 The TCP/IP Guide Charles Kozierok    W   
? TK 5105.59 .D3 The Database Hacker's Handbook David Litchfield, Chris Anley, John Heasman, Bill Grindlay    W O 
? TK 5105.59 .R37 Cryptography for Security and Privacy in Cloud Computing Stefan Rass, Daniel Slamanig  L     
? TK 5105.59 .S69 Pro PHP Security Chris Snyder, Michael Southwell    W   
? TK 5105.8 .E83 S45 Gigabit Ethernet Rich Seifert  L W   
? TK 5105.875 .I57 H36 Internet Firewalls and Network Security Karanjit Siyan, Chris Hare  L W O 
? TK 5105.875 .I57 K88 Computer Networking, 6th ed. James F. Kurose, Keith W. Ross    W   
? TK 5105.875 .I57 L48 The Internet for Dummies John R. Levine, Carol Baroudi  L W O 
? TK 5105.875 .I57 M69 OSPF John T. Moy    W   
? TK 5105.875 .I57 M693 OSPF Complete Implementation John T. Moy  L     
? TK 5105.885 .G66 C35 Google Hacks Tara Calishain, Rael Dornfest  L     
? TK 5105.8857 .I68 IoT Automation: Arrowhead Framework Jerker Delsing    W   
? TK 5105.8857 .S56 IoT Inc Bruce Sinclair    W   
? TK 5105.8857 .S65 The Internet of Risky Things: Trusting the Devices that Surround Us Sean Smith    W O 
? TK 5105.888 .A54 The CSS Anthology, 2nd ed. Rachel Andrew    W O 
? TK 5105.888 .K78 Don't Make Me Think! Steve Krug  L W O 
? TK 5105.888 .L68 Web Design for ROI Lance Loveday, Sandra Niehaus  L W   
? TK 5105.888 .L96 Web Style Guide Patrick J. Lynch, Sarah Horton  L     
? TK 5105.888 .S477 The Zen of CSS Design Dave Shea, Molly E. Holzschlag  L W O 
? TK 5105.888 .S477 c.2 The Zen of CSS Design Dave Shea  L W O 
? TK 5105.888 .S53 Creating Killer Web Sites David Siegel  L     
? TK 5105.888 .Y36 Build Your Own Database Driven Website Using PHP and MySQL, 3rd ed. Kevin Yank    W   
? TK 5105.8885 .D74 Dreamweaver CS3 David McFarland    W O 
? TK 5741 .G7 v.1 Admiralty Handbook of Wireless Telegraphy, vol. 1 Great Britain, Admiralty  L     
? TK 5741 .G7 v.2 Admiralty Handbook of Wireless Telegraphy, vol. 2 Great Britain, Admiralty  L     
? TK 6023 .H57 A History of Engineering and Science in the Bell System Bell Telephone Laboratories, M. D. Fagen  L     
? TK 6550 .H3155 Essentials of Radio Wave Propagation Christopher Haslett    W O 
? TK 6550 .N16 The Science of Radio Paul J. Nahin  L W O 
? TK 6550 .P665 More Arduino Projects for Ham Radio American Radio Relay League, Glen Popiel    W   
? TK 6550 .R18 2020 v.1 The ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications, 97th ed., vol. 1 American Radio Relay League  L     
? TK 6550 .R18 2020 v.2 The ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications, 97th ed., vol. 2 American Radio Relay League  L     
? TK 6550 .R18 2020 v.3 The ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications, 97th ed., vol. 3 American Radio Relay League  L     
? TK 6550 .R18 2020 v.4 The ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications, 97th ed., vol. 4 American Radio Relay League  L     
? TK 6550 .R18 2020 v.5 The ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications, 97th ed., vol. 5 American Radio Relay League  L     
? TK 6550 .R18 2020 v.6 The ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications, 97th ed., vol. 6 American Radio Relay League  L     
? TK 6550 .T42 Radio Engineers' Handbook Frederick Emmons Terman  L     
? TK 6553 .K73 Solid State Radio Engineering Herbert L. Krauss  L W O 
? TK 6553 .L823 RF Circuit Design, 2nd ed. Reinhold Ludwig, Gene Bogdanov  L     
? TK 6553 .P768 Propagation of Radiowaves, 3rd ed. Les Barclay    W O 
? TK 6554.5 .S53 The ARRL Ham Radio License Manual American Radio Relay League    W O 
? TK 6560 .R83 The Electronics of Radio David B. Rutledge  L W O 
? TK 6565 .A6 A6 v.1 The ARRL Antenna Book, 24th ed., vol. 1 American Radio Relay League    W   
? TK 6565 .A6 A6 v.2 The ARRL Antenna Book, 24th ed., vol. 2 American Radio Relay League    W   
? TK 6565 .A6 A6 v.3 The ARRL Antenna Book, 24th ed., vol. 3 American Radio Relay League    W   
? TK 6565 .A6 A6 v.4 The ARRL Antenna Book, 24th ed., vol. 4 American Radio Relay League    W   
? TK 6565 .A6 L44 Physical Design of Yagi Antennas David B. Leeson  L W O 
? TK 6565 .A6 L46 Radiowave Propagation C. A. Levis  L W O 
? TK 6565 .A6 M283 Antenna and EM Modeling with Matlab Sergey N. Makarov    W O 
? TK 6565 .A6 M69 HF Antennas for All Locations, 2nd ed. Radio Society Of Great Britain    W O 
? TK 6565 .A6 P66 Radio Propagation Ian Poole    W O 
? TK 6680.5 .H37 Digital Video Barry G. Haskell, Atul Puri, Arun N. Netravali  L W O 
? TK 6680.5 .T45 Digital Video Processing A. Murat Tekalp  L     
? TK 7815 .H67 The Art of Electronics, 3rd ed. Paul Horowitz, Winfield Hill    W O 
? TK 7815 .H675 The Art of Electronics: The X-Chapters Paul Horowitz, Winfield Hill    W O 
? TK 7816 .O33 An Introduction to Electronics William G. Oldham, Steven E. Schwarz  L     
? TK 7835 .S55 Electronic Applications of the Smith Chart Phillip H. Smith  L     
? TK 7867 .A5425 Analog Circuit and System Design Bob Dobkin  L W O 
? TK 7867 .W565 The Circuit Designer's Companion Peter Wilson    W   
? TK 7867.5 .O867 Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineering Henry W. Ott  L W O 
? TK 7868 .D5 H63 Analysis and Design of Digital Integrated Circuits David A. Hodges, Horace G. Jackson  L W O 
? TK 7868 .D5 J635 High-Speed Digital Design: A Handbook of Black Magic Howard W. Johnson, Martin Graham  L W O 
? TK 7868 .I58 S76 Microcomputer Interfacing Harold S. Stone  L W O 
? TK 7868 .L6 L36 TTL Cookbook Don Lancaster  L     
? TK 7868 .L6 L78 The TTL Data Book for Design Engineers, 2nd ed. Texas Instruments        
? TK 7868 .L6 L78 1973 The TTL Data Book for Design Engineers Texas Instruments        
? TK 7868 .L6 S83 Digital Design with Verilog HDL Eliezer Sternheim, Rajvir Singh, Yatin Trivedi    W O 
? TK 7868 .P7 B57 Boundary-Scan Test Harry Bleeker, Peter van den Eijnden, Frans de Jong  L     
? TK 7870.15 .H36 Mastering Surface Mount Technology Vincent Himpe    W   
? TK 7871.58 .O6 H64 Op Amps and Linear Integrated Circuits Richard A. Honeycutt    W O 
? TK 7871.6 .K645 Introduction to Antenna Analysis Using EM Simulators Hiroaki Kogure, Yoshie Kogure, James C. Rautio  L W O 
? TK 7871.7 .P66 The Tube Guys Norman H. Pond        
? TK 7871.85 .M86 Device Electronics for Integrated Circuits Richard S. Muller, Theodore I. Kamins  L     
? TK 7871.9 .M494 Transistor Projects Forrest M. Mims  L     
? TK 7871.92 .D96 Radio Frequency Transistors Norm Dye  L W O 
? TK 7871.99 .M44 A56 Digital CMOS Circuit Design Marco Annaratone  L W O 
? TK 7871.99 .M44 T76 Latchup in CMOS Technology Ronald R. Troutman  L W O 
? TK 7872 .A6 A6 Antenna Engineering Handbook. 1st ed. Henry Jasik  L     
? TK 7872 .C7 L3 RTL Cookbook Don Lancaster    W O 
? TK 7872 .D48 A422 Algorithms and Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks Azzedine Boukerche  L W O 
? TK 7872 .D48 D74 Self-Organization in Sensor and Actor Networks Falko Dressler    W O 
? TK 7872 .D48 F67 Introduction to Wireless Sensor Networks Anna Forster    W O 
? TK 7872 .D48 K75 Networking Wireless Sensors Bhaskar Krishnamachari    W O 
? TK 7872 .D48 S44 Deploying Wireless Sensor Networks Mustapha Reda Senouci, Abdelhamid Mellouk    W   
? TK 7872 .F5 L28 Active Filter Cookbook, 2nd ed. Don Lancaster  L W O 
? TK 7872 .P38 B477 Phase Locked Loops Roland E. Best    W O 
? TK 7872 .P38 B477 1999 Phase-Locked Loops, 4th ed. Roland E. Best    W   
? TK 7872 .P38 G37 Phaselock Techniques, 2nd ed. Floyd Martin Gardner  L W O 
? TK 7872 .T6 K68 Micromachined Transducers Sourcebook Gregory T. A. Kovacs  L W O 
? TK 7872 .V3 G45 Basic Electron Tubes Donovan V. Geppert  L     
? TK 7874 .D5 T36 Digital Circuits and Microprocessors Herbert Taub    W O 
? TK 7874 .G688 Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits Paul R. Gray, Robert G. Meyer  L     
? TK 7874 .P42 Troubleshooting Analog Circuits Robert A. Pease  L W O 
? TK 7874 .P47 Physical Design Automation of VLSI Systems Bryan Preas, Michael Lorenzetti  L     
? TK 7874 .S38 VLSI Placement and Global Routing Using Simulated Annealing Carl Sechen  L     
? TK 7874 .T84 The Essential Guide to Semiconductors James L Turley  L W O 
? TK 7874 .V566 VLSI Technology S. M. Sze  L     
? TK 7874 .W65 Simulated Annealing for VLSI Design C. L. Liu, D. F. Wong, H. W. Leong  L     
? TK 7876 .K585 Introduction to RF Design Using EM Simulators Hiroaki Kogure, Yoshie Kogure, James C. Rautio  L W O 
? TK 7881.4 .A48 The Foley Grail: The Art of Performing Sound for Film, Games, and Animation, 2nd ed. Vanessa Theme Ament    W   
? TK 7881.4 .B8 Music Technology Reference Book Peter Buick    W O 
? TK 7881.4 .C745 Recording Tips for Engineers Tim Crich  L W O 
? TK 7881.4 .D38 The Sound Reinforcement Handbook Gary D. Davis, Ralph Jones    W   
? TK 7881.4 .H783 Modern Recording Techniques David Miles Huber, Robert E. Runstein  L W O 
? TK 7881.4 .M55 Home Recording Power! Ben Milstead    W O 
? TK 7881.4 .O975 The Mixing Engineer's Handbook, 2nd ed. Bobby Owsinski  L W O 
? TK 7881.4 .S77 Home Recording for Musicians for Dummies Jeff Strong  L W O 
? TK 7881.4 .T78 Live Sound for Musicians Rudy Trubitt    W O 
? TK 7881.4 .Y35 Professional Sound Reinforcement Techniques Jim Yakabuski  L W O 
? TK 7882 .I6 L35 TV Typewriter Cookbook Don Lancaster  L     
? TK 7882 .I6 L35 c.2 TV Typewriter Cookbook Don Lancaster  L     
? TK 7885 .A1 A5 A Survey of Switching Circuit Theory E. J. McCluskey, Jr., Thomas C. Bartee  L     
? TK 7885 .C657 Computers, Software Engineering, and Digital Devices Richard C. Dorf  L     
? TK 7885 .T773 TRS-80 Micro Computer Technical Reference Handbook Radio Shack    W O 
? TK 7885.4 .K53 The Soul of a New Machine Tracy Kidder  L     
? TK 7887.6 .D46 High-Speed Analog-to-Digital Conversion Michael J. Demler  L     
? TK 7888.3 .L29 Computer Design Glen G. Langdon  L     
? TK 7895 .E42 Principles of Embedded Networked Systems Design Gregory Pottie, William Kaiser    W   
? TK 7895 .E42 B35 Embedded Microprocessor Systems, 3rd ed. Stuart R. Ball  L W O 
? TK 7895 .E42 B37 Programming Embedded Systems, 2nd ed. Michael Barr  L W O 
? TK 7895 .E42 B46 Embedded Systems Design Arnold Berger  L W O 
? TK 7895 .E42 C38 2002 Designing Embedded Hardware John Catsoulis  L W O 
? TK 7895 .E42 C38 2005 Designing Embedded Hardware, 2nd ed. John Catsoulis  L W O 
? TK 7895 .E42 E37 Embedded System Design on a Shoestring Lewin A. R. W. Edwards  L W O 
? TK 7895 .E42 G38 Embedded Systems Dictionary Michael Barr, Jack Ganssle  L W O 
? TK 7895 .E42 H43 Embedded Systems Design, 2nd ed. Steve Heath  L W O 
? TK 7895 .E42 N64 Embedded Systems Architecture Tammy Noergaard    W O 
? TK 7895 .E42 V35 Embedded Microcomputer Systems Jonathan W. Valvano  L W O 
? TK 7895 .G36 B48 Architecture and CAD for Deep-Submicron FPGAs Vaughn Betz, Jonathan Rose, Alexander Marquardt  L W O 
? TK 7895 .K36 68000 Microprocessor Handbook Gerry Kane  L W O 
? TK 7895 .M4 D54 Designing with Flash Memory Brian Dipert, Markus Levy  L W O 
? TK 7895 .M5 D47 Design of High-Performance Microprocessor Circuits Anantha Chandrakasan, William J. Bowhill, Frank Fox  L     
? TK 7895 .M5 T74 Microprocessor Logic Design Nick Tredennick  L     
? TK 9901 .G46 Basic Wiring Techniques Steve George, John Lowe  L W O 
? TK 9901 .G53 Muscle Wires Project Book, 3rd ed. Roger G. Gilbertson    W O 
? TK 9956 .F54 S59 6 Metre Handbook Don Field    W   
? TK 9956 .F565 ARRL's HF Digital Handbook Steve Ford  L W O 
? TK 9956 .F7115 ARRL's VHF Digital Handbook Steve Ford    W O 
? TK 9956 .H325 Ham Radio for Arduino and PICAXE Leigh L. Klotz, Jr.  L W O 
? TK 9956 .H453 Hints & Kinks for the Radio Amateur, 18th ed. American Radio Relay League, Steve Ford  L W   
? TK 9956 .H453 c.2 Hints & Kinks for the Radio Amateur, 18th ed. American Radio Relay League, Steve Ford  L W   
? TK 9956 .T36 VoIP: Internet Linking for Radio Amateurs, 2nd ed. Jonathan Taylor    W   
? TK 9957 .A773 v.2 The ARRL UHF/Microwave Projects Manual, vol. 2 American Radio Relay League  L W O 
? TK 9965 .M55 Integrated Circuit Projects Forrest M. Mims  L     
? TK 9971 .H44 How to Design & Build Your Own Custom TV Games David L. Heiserman  L     
? TL 255.2 .B53 Art Cars: The Cars, the Artists, the Obsession, the Craft, 2nd ed. Harrod Blank  L W O 
? TL 430 .B55 Bicycling Magazine's Complete Guide to Bicycle Maintenance and Repair    W   
? TL 437.5 .E44 The Ultimate Do It Yourself Ebike Guide Micah Toll    W   
? TL 475 .B35 NASA Mars Rovers 1997-2013 (Sojourner, Spirit, Opportunity, and Curiousity) David Baker    W O 
? TL 480 .R55 Lunar Rover: 1971-1972 (Apollo 15-17, LRV1-3 & 1G Trainer): Owners' Workshop Manual Christopher Riley    W O 
? TL 521 .B268 NASA Mercury 1956 to 1963 (All Models): Owners' Workshop Manual David Baker    W   
? TL 539 .T35 Fighting for Space: Two Pilots and Their Historic Battle for Female Spaceflight Amy Shira Teitel    W O 
? TL 553.5 .S84 Air Disasters Stanley Stewart    W O 
? TL 565 .R53 Skunk Works Ben R. Rich, Leo Janos    W O 
? TL 570 .A679 A History of Aerodynamics and Its Impact on Flying Machines Michael J. Rycroft    W O 
? TL 670 .T397 Breaking the Chains of Gravity Amy Shira Teitel  L W O 
? TL 670.3 .P85 Vintage Flyers II Eric Presten    W   
? TL 680 .R87 Construction of Tubular Steel Fuselages David Russo    W   
? TL 686 .C6 D33 Supersonic Non-Sense R. E. G. Davies    W O 
? TL 688 .W6 P637 Wood Aircraft Building Techniques Paul Poberezny, S. H. Schmid    W   
? TL 709 .H813 Jet Engines Klaus Huenecke    W O 
? TL 710 .B3 Taming the Taildragger John F. Ball    W O 
? TL 711 .P568 The Compleat Taildragger Pilot Harvey S. Plourde    W O 
? TL 781.5 .S3 Y68 The Saturn V F-1 Engine: Powering Apollo into History Anthony Young  L     
? TL 789.3 .U6 V687 NASA Voyager 1 & 2: 1977 Onwards (VGR77-1 to VGR77-3, Including Pioneer 10 & 11) Chris Riley, Richard Corfield, Philip Dolling    W   
? TL 789.8 .U6 A5383 Journey to the Moon Eldon C. Hall  L W O 
? TL 789.8 .U6 A54325 Apollo 8 Jeffrey Kluger  L W O 
? TL 789.8 .U6 A5488 Lost Moon Jeffrey Kluger, Jim Lovell  L     
? TL 789.8 .U6 A564 Apollo by the Numbers: A Statistical Reference Richard W. Orloff  L     
? TL 789.8 .U6 A585 v.1 Forecasts and Appraisals for Management Evaluation, vol. 1 United States. Apollo Program Office  L     
? TL 789.8 .U6 A585 v.2 Forecasts and Appraisals for Management Evaluation, vol. 2 United States. Apollo Program Office  L     
? TL 789.8 .U6 A6673 NASA Saturn V: 1967-1973 W. David Woods  L     
? TL 789.8 .U6 G4 NASA Gemini, 1965-1966 (All Missions, All Models): Owners' Workshop Manual David M. Harland    W   
? TL 789.8 .U6 S3 Saturn V Flight Manual NASA    W   
? TL 789.85 .E95 A3 Sunburst and Luminary: An Apollo Memoir Don Eyles    W   
? TL 790 .S73 Space Mission Analysis and Design, 3rd ed. James R. Wertz, Wiley J. Larson  L W O 
? TL 795.5 .J63 The Space Shuttle Operator's Manual Kerry Mark Joels, Gregory P. Kennedy, David Larkin  L     
? TL 798 .M4 T34 Weather Satellite Handbook, 3rd ed. Ralph Taggart  L     
? TL 799 .M6 R55 Apollo 11 1969 Owners Workshop Manual Philip Dolling    W O 
? TL 799 .M6 W665 How Apollo Flew to the Moon W. David Woods  L W O 
? TL 873 .K73 Failure Is Not an Option Gene Kranz    W O 
? TL 875 .U5 v.1 Structural Systems and Program Decisions, vol. 1 United States. Apollo Program Office  L     
? TL 875 .U5 v.2 Structural Systems and Program Decisions, vol. 2 United States. Apollo Program Office  L     
? TL 1050 .B33 Fundamentals of Astrodynamics Roger R. Bate, Donald D. Mueller, Jerry E. White  L     
? TL 3025 .D44 Deep Space Telecommunications Systems Engineering Joseph H. Yuen  L W O 
? TL 3250 .O37 The Apollo Guidance Computer Frank O'Brien    W O 
? TL 4030 .A58 Apollo Unified S-Band Technical Conference Goddard Space Flight Center  L     
? TP 548 .M465 Wine for Dummies Ed McCarthy  L     
? TR 179 .G74 Photographic Composition Tom Grill, Mark Scanlon    W O 
? TR 268 .R46 Pinhole Photography Eric Renner  L W O 
? TR 593 .E34 Stopping Time Harold Edgerton, Estelle Jussim, Gus Kayafas    W O 
? TR 642 .D64 The Art of Seeing Derek Doeffinger  L W O 
? TR 650 .B87 Shadows of the State Lewis Bush    W   
? TR 679.5 .P65 The Polar Bear Waltz and Other Moments of Epic Silliness Outdoor Magazine    W O 
? TR 729 .W54 M334 The New Complete Guide to Wildlife Photography Joe McDonald  L W O 
? TR 850 .B514 The Visual Story, 2nd ed. Bruce Block    W   
? TR 891 .B68 Set Lighting Technician's Handbook Harry C. Box    W   
? TR 891 .F59 Lighting Technology Brian Fitt, Joe Thornley    W O 
? TR 897.5 .F75 Clay Animation Michael Frierson  L W O 
? TS 170 .F56 Winning the New Product Development Battle Thomas D. Floyd  L     
? TS 171 .G38 Exploring Requirements Donald C. Gause  L     
? TS 171.4 .N67 The Psychology of Everyday Things Donald A. Norman  L     
? TS 227 .G23 Welding Essentials William L. Galvery, Jr., Frank M. Marlow, Patricia Tallman  L W   
? TS 227 .W355 Welding Basics Creative Publishing International  L W   
TS 585 .A26 Acoustics of Bells Thomas D. Rossing  L     
? TT 149 .S38 Every Tool's a Hammer Adam Savage    W   
? TT 205 .K7 Metalwork for Craftsmen; a Step by Step Guide with 55 Projects Emil F. Kronquist  L W O 
? TX 147 .H36 Rising to the Occasion Edith Hazard  L W O 
? TX 309 .C74 Creating Storage Sunset Books    W O 
? TX 324 .A7583 Make Your House do the Housework Don Aslett, Laura Aslett Simons  L     
? TX 353 .M438 What the World Eats Peter Menzel    W   
? TX 369 .R59 Eating on the Wild Side: The Missing Link to Optimum Health Jo Robinson  L W O 
? TX 369 .R59 c.2 Eating on the Wild Side: The Missing Link to Optimum Health Jo Robinson  L W O 
? TX 649 .A1 R84 Soul of a Chef Michael Ruhlman    W O 
? TX 649 .R8 A3 The Making of a Chef Michael Ruhlman  L W O 
? TX 653 .B68 The Kitchen Idea Book Joanne Kellar Bouknight    W   
? TX 653 .I33 Ideas for Great Kitchens Sunset Books  L W O 
? TX 655 .K58 Kitchen Storage Sunset Books  L W O 
? TX 714 .K478 Graham Kerr's Creative Choices Cookbook Graham Kerr  L     
? TX 772 .B483 Best Kids Cookie Book Sunset Books  L     
? U 22 .L5 Psychological Warfare Paul M. A. Linebarger  L     
? U 263 .A84 Fifty-Seven Reasons Not to Have a Nuclear War Marty Asher  L     
? U 264.3 .S45 Command and Control Eric Schlosser    W O 
? UB 247 .H84 How to Tell a Secret P. J. Huff, J. G. Lewin    W O 
? UB 251 .U5 B35 The Puzzle Palace James Bamford  L     
? UG 593 .Z48 Countdown to Zero Day: Stuxnet and the Launch of the World's First Digital Weapon Kim Zetter    W O 
? UG 633 .A3763 no. 52-8 Radar Circuit Analysis United States, Department of the Air Force  L     
? VA 65 .S38 Explosion aboard the Iowa Richard L. Schwoebel  L W O 
? VM 531 .C36 Canvaswork & Sail Repair Don Casey  L W O 
? Z 103 .B4813 Cryptology Albrecht Beutelspacher  L W O 
? Z 103 .S56 The Code Book Simon Singh    W   
? Z 246 .B74 The Elements of Typographic Style, 4th ed. Robert Bringhurst    W O 
? Z 246 .W634 The Non-designer's Design Book, 4th ed. Robin Williams  L W O 
? Z 250 .G228 Just my Type Simon Garfield  L     
? Z 250 .S738 Stop Stealing Sheep & Find out How Type Works, 3rd ed. Erik Spiekermann    W   
? Z 253 .U69 The Chicago Manual of Style, 16th ed. The University of Chicago    W   
? Z 253.4 .T47 K58 The TeXbook Donald Knuth    W O 
? Z 679.2 .U54 S44 At Home with Books Estelle Ellis, Caroline Seebohm, Christopher Simon Sykes  L     
? Z 6028 .M23 The Map Catalog, 2nd ed. Joel Makower, Cathryn Poff, Laura Bergheim  L     

1218 results

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