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Showing call numbers starting with QA 76.9

Links: = show nearby books on the shelf, L = go to Library of Congress, W = go to WorldCat, O = go to Open Library.

   Call Number   Title   Author(s)   
QA 76.9 .A25 A244 Secure Wireless Sensor Networks Mauro Conti    W  
QA 76.9 .A25 A54 Security Engineering, 2nd ed. Ross Anderson  L W O
QA 76.9 .A25 A96 Serious Cryptography Jean-Philippe Aumasson  L W O
QA 76.9 .A25 B7747 Defensive Security Handbook: Best Practices for Securing Infrastructure Lee Brotherston, Amanda Berlin    W O
QA 76.9 .A25 C667 Computers under Attack Peter J. Denning  L W O
QA 76.9 .A25 D5145 Abusing the Internet of Things Nitesh Dhanjani    W  
QA 76.9 .A25 D75 The Art of Software Security Assessment Mark Dowd, John McDonald, Justin Schuh  L W O
QA 76.9 .A25 F466 Cryptography Engineering Niels Ferguson, Bruce Schneier, Tadayoshi Kohno  L W O
QA 76.9 .A25 G643 The Best of 2600 Emmanuel Goldstein    W O
QA 76.9 .A25 L12 The Block Cipher Companion Lars Knudsen    W O
QA 76.9 .A25 M585 The Art of Deception Kevin D. Mitnick, William L. Simon    W O
QA 76.9 .A25 R57 Bulletproof SSL and TLS Ivan Ristic    W  
QA 76.9 .A25 R66 Implementing Elliptic Curve Cryptography Michael Rosing  L W O
QA 76.9 .A25 S35 Applied Cryptography, 2nd ed. Bruce Schneier  L    
QA 76.9 .A25 S35145 Schneier on Security Bruce Schneier  L W O
QA 76.9 .A73 B57 Computer Architecture Gerrit A. Blaauw, Frederick P. Brooks, Jr.  L    
QA 76.9 .A73 H375 Digit-Serial Computation Richard Hartley, Keshab K. Parhi  L W O
QA 76.9 .A73 M36 Computer System Architecture M. Morris Mano  L    
QA 76.9 .A73 P377 1995 Computer Architecture, 2nd ed. John L. Hennessy, David A. Patterson  L W O
QA 76.9 .A73 P377 2003 Computer Architecture, 3rd ed. John L. Hennessy, David A. Patterson  L W O
QA 76.9 .A73 P377 2007 Computer Architecture, 4th ed. John L. Hennessy, David A. Patterson  L W O
QA 76.9 .A73 S88 See MIPS Run Dominic Sweetman  L W O
QA 76.9 .B45 O64 Weapons of Math Destruction Cathy O'Neil    W  
QA 76.9 .C62 C38 Digital Computer Arithmetic Joseph J. F. Cavanagh  L W O
QA 76.9 .C62 O46 Computer Arithmetic Systems Amos R. Omondi  L W O
QA 76.9 .C643 H46 Computer Organization and Design John L. Hennessy, David A. Patterson  L W O
QA 76.9 .C643 P37 Computer Organization and Design John L. Hennessy, David A. Patterson  L W O
QA 76.9 .D3 G3653 Database Systems Hector Garcia-Molina, Jeffrey D. Ullman, Jennifer D. Widom  L W O
QA 76.9 .D33 S28 A Guide to Data Compression Methods David Salomon    W O
QA 76.9 .D43 R63 GDB Pocket Reference Arnold Robbins    W  
QA 76.9 .H85 P72 Interaction Design, 2nd ed. Helen Sharp, Yvonne Rogers, Jenny Preece    W O
QA 76.9 .L63 N34 The Logician and the Engineer Paul J. Nahin  L    
QA 76.9 .M35 O94 Numerical Computing with IEEE Floating Point Arithmetic Michael L. Overton    W O
QA 76.9 .S88 W64 Computers as Components Wayne Wolf    W O

34 results

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