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Searching for "David"
Results: 64

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Links: L = go to Library of Congress, W = go to WorldCat, O = go to Open Library.

   Call Number   Title   Author(s)   
? A 25 .Z2 1993 The Book of Lists David Wallechinsky, Amy Wallace    W O 
? AC 1 .G72 v.31 Rules for the direction of the mind. Discourse on the method. Meditations on first philosophy. Objections against the meditations and replies. The geometry. Ethics. A. H. Stirling, Benedict de Spinoza, David Eugene Smith, Elizabeth S. Haldane, G. R. T. Ross, Marcia L. Latham, Rene Descartes, W. H. White  L     
? AC 1 .G72 v.35 A Letter Concerning Toleration. Concerning Civil Government, Second Essay. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding. The Principles of Human Knowledge. An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding. David Hume, George Berkeley, John Locke, William Popple  L     
? AG 195 .F457 When Did Wild Poodles Roam the Earth? David Feldman  L W O 
? AG 195 .F47 Why Do Dogs Have Wet Noses? and Other Imponderables of Everyday Life David Feldman    W O 
? AG 243 .F42 How Does Aspirin Find a Headache? David Feldman  L W O 
? F 1009 .F76 Frommer's Canada Shawn Blore, Wayne Curtis, Hilary Davidson, Herbert Bailey Livesey, Bill McRae    W O 
? G 850 1910 .S4 W55 The Lost Photographs of Captain Scott David M. Wilson  L W O 
? GV 1045.5 .C22 S261 Mountain Biking Santa Cruz David Diller, Allison Diller    W O 
? HC 79 .H53 D38 Marketing High Technology William H. Davidow  L     
? LB 2322.2 .D39 The New Education: How to Revolutionize the University to Prepare Students for a World in Flux Cathy N. Davidson  L W O 
? LC 212.82 .S27 Failing at Fairness Myra Sadker, David Sadker  L     
? MT 723 .H82 The MIDI Manual, 3rd ed. David Miles Huber    W   
? NC 1429 .M15 A4 Great Moments in Architecture David Macaulay  L W O 
? PE 1591 .G67 The Describer's Dictionary David Grambs  L W O 
? PE 1625 .W33 Webster's New World Dictionary of the American Language David Bernard Guralnik, Merriam-Webster  L W O 
? PN 6120.95 .S33 W67 The World Treasury of Science Fiction David G. Hartwell  L     
? PN 6231 .H763 E27 Earth (The Book) Jon Stewart, David Javerbaum, Rory Albanese, Steve Bodow, Josh Lieb    W O 
? PS 648 .F3 M23 Machine of Death: A Collection of Stories about People Who Know How They Will Die Ryan North, Matthew Bennardo, David Malki !    W O 
? PS 648 .S5 T48 This is How You Die: Stories of the Inscrutable, Infallible, Inescapable Machine of Death Ryan North, Matthew Bennardo, David Malki !        
? PS 3557 .E69 T76 Trouble with Tribbles David Gerrold    W O 
? QA 76.6 .G35 Computers and Intractability Michael R. Garey, David S. Johnson    W O 
? QA 76.6 .G35 c.2 Computers and Intractability Michael R. Garey, David S. Johnson    W O 
? QA 76.73 .J38 F553 Java in a Nutshell, 5th ed. David Flanagan  L     
? QA 76.73 .J38 J3855 Java Swing Marc Loy, Robert Eckstein, David Wood, James Elliott, Brian Cole    W   
? QA 76.73 .P224 S55 Learning PHP 5 David Sklar    W   
? QA 76.73 .S67 R69 The Essence of SQL David Rozenshtein    W   
? QA 76.8 .I28 R66 The Bugbook III Peter R. Rony, David G. Larsen, Jonathan A. Titus        
? QA 76.8 .I28 R665 The 8080A Bugbook Peter R. Rony, David G. Larsen, Jonathan A. Titus  L     
? QA 76.8 .R19 M46 Learn Raspberry Pi with Linux Peter Membrey, David Hows  L W O 
? QA 76.9 .A73 P377 1995 Computer Architecture, 2nd ed. John L. Hennessy, David A. Patterson  L W O 
? QA 76.9 .A73 P377 2003 Computer Architecture, 3rd ed. John L. Hennessy, David A. Patterson  L W O 
? QA 76.9 .A73 P377 2007 Computer Architecture, 4th ed. John L. Hennessy, David A. Patterson  L W O 
? QA 76.9 .C643 H46 Computer Organization and Design John L. Hennessy, David A. Patterson  L W O 
? QA 76.9 .C643 P37 Computer Organization and Design John L. Hennessy, David A. Patterson  L W O 
? QA 76.9 .D33 S28 A Guide to Data Compression Methods David Salomon    W O 
? QA 95 .B66 Problems for Puzzlebusters David L. Book  L W O 
? QA 402.5 .G635 Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization, and Machine Learning David E. Goldberg  L W O 
? QA 491 .S58 Notes on Rubik's Magic Cube David Singmaster  L W O 
? QC 21.2 .R47 v.1 Physics, vol. 1 Robert Resnick, David Halliday  L     
? QC 21.2 .R47 v.2 Physics, vol. 2 Robert Resnick, David Halliday  L     
? QH 528.5 .S56 Lifespan David A. Sinclair, Watthew D. LaPlante    W O 
? TA 167 .M59 Digital Apollo David A. Mindell  L W O 
? TJ 216 .F723 Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems Gene F. Franklin, J. David Powell, Abbas Emami-Naeini    W   
? TJ 1189 .H21 7 Easy Steps to CNC Programming ... A Beginner's Guide David S. Hayden    W O 
? TJ 1189 .H22 7 Easy Steps to CNC Programming, Book II David S. Hayden    W O 
? TK 5103.7 .L44 Digital Communication John R. Barry, Edward A. Lee, David G. Messerschmitt    W   
? TK 5104 .D38 The Satellite Experimenter's Handbook Martin R. Davidoff  L     
? TK 5105.5 .T36 2011 Computer Networks, 5th ed. Andrew S. Tanenbaum, John David Wetherall    W   
? TK 5105.59 .D3 The Database Hacker's Handbook David Litchfield, Chris Anley, John Heasman, Bill Grindlay    W O 
? TK 5105.888 .S53 Creating Killer Web Sites David Siegel  L     
? TK 5105.8885 .D74 Dreamweaver CS3 David McFarland    W O 
? TK 6560 .R83 The Electronics of Radio David B. Rutledge  L W O 
? TK 6565 .A6 L44 Physical Design of Yagi Antennas David B. Leeson  L W O 
? TK 7868 .D5 H63 Analysis and Design of Digital Integrated Circuits David A. Hodges, Horace G. Jackson  L W O 
? TK 7881.4 .H783 Modern Recording Techniques David Miles Huber, Robert E. Runstein  L W O 
? TK 9971 .H44 How to Design & Build Your Own Custom TV Games David L. Heiserman  L     
? TL 475 .B35 NASA Mars Rovers 1997-2013 (Sojourner, Spirit, Opportunity, and Curiousity) David Baker    W O 
? TL 521 .B268 NASA Mercury 1956 to 1963 (All Models): Owners' Workshop Manual David Baker    W   
? TL 680 .R87 Construction of Tubular Steel Fuselages David Russo    W   
? TL 789.8 .U6 A6673 NASA Saturn V: 1967-1973 W. David Woods  L     
? TL 789.8 .U6 G4 NASA Gemini, 1965-1966 (All Missions, All Models): Owners' Workshop Manual David M. Harland    W   
? TL 795.5 .J63 The Space Shuttle Operator's Manual Kerry Mark Joels, Gregory P. Kennedy, David Larkin  L     
? TL 799 .M6 W665 How Apollo Flew to the Moon W. David Woods  L W O 

64 results

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