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Showing call numbers starting with TK

Links: = show nearby books on the shelf, L = go to Library of Congress, W = go to WorldCat, O = go to Open Library.

   Call Number   Title   Author(s)   
TK 145 .E435 Electronics, Power Electronics, and Optoelectrics Richard C. Dorf  L    
TK 153 .A47 Micro Electro Mechanical System Design James J. Allen  L W O
TK 260 .S7 One and Two Family Dwelling James G. Stallcup, James W. Stallcup       
TK 454 .K48 Inside Spice Ron M. Kielkowski    W  
TK 454.2 .D4 Basic Circuit Theory Charles A. Desoer, Ernest S. Kuh  L    
TK 1001 .S93 Systems and Controls, Embedded Systems, Energy, and Machines Richard C. Dorf  L    
TK 3271 .K37 Code Check Electrical: A Field Guide to Wiring a Safe House Redwood Kardon, Douglas Hansen, Michael Casey  L W O
TK 5101 .B425 Mathematical Theory of Connecting Networks and Telephone Traffic V. E. Benes  L W O
TK 5101 .B425 c.2 Mathematical Theory of Connecting Networks and Telephone Traffic V. E. Benes  L    
TK 5101 .H373 An Introduction to Analog and Digital Communications, 2nd ed. Simon Haykin, Michael Moher    W  
TK 5101 .L333 Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems, 3rd ed. B. P. Lathi    W  
TK 5101 .S448 Claude Elwood Shannon Claude Elwood Shannon  L W O
TK 5101.55 .F67 Attacking Network Protocols: A Hacker's Guide to Capture, Analysis, and Exploitation James Forshaw    W O
TK 5102.5 .R525 Digital Signal Processing Richard A. Roberts    W  
TK 5102.85 .I57 Intrusion Detection in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks Nabendu Chaki, Rituparna Chaki    W  
TK 5102.9 .C495 The Electrical Engineering Handbook Richard C. Dorf  L    
TK 5102.9 .L96 Understanding Digital Signal Processing Richard G. Lyons  L W O
TK 5102.9 .P47 Signals, Systems, and Transforms, 4th ed. Charles L Phillips, John M. Parr, Eve A. Riskin    W  
TK 5103.2 .M33 Wireless Digital Communications Tom McDermott    W O
TK 5103.2 .R366 Wireless Communications Theodore S. Rappaport    W  
TK 5103.2 .W37 WarDriving & Wireless Penetration Testing Chris Hurley    W O
TK 5103.2 .W5737 Wireless Networks and Security Shafiullah Khan, Al-Sakib Khan Pathan    W O
TK 5103.4835 .R37 Millimeter Wave Wireless Communications Theodore S. Rappaport, Robert W. Heath, Jr., Robert C. Daniels, James N. Murdock    W  
TK 5103.4885 .S52 6LoWPAN Zach Shelby, Carsetn Bormann    W  
TK 5103.59 .B76 Broadcasting and Optical Communication Technology Richard C. Dorf  L    
TK 5103.7 .B35 Multi-Carrier Digital Communications Ahmad R. S. Bahai, Burton R. Saltzberg, Mustafa Ergen    W  
TK 5103.7 .F67 Get on the Air with HF Digital: The Beginner's Guide to FT8, WSPR, PSK31, and More!, 2nd ed. Steve Ford  L    
TK 5103.7 .L44 Digital Communication John R. Barry, Edward A. Lee, David G. Messerschmitt    W  
TK 5104 .D38 The Satellite Experimenter's Handbook Martin R. Davidoff  L    
TK 5105 .B478 Data Networks Dimitri P. Bertsekas, Robert Gallager    W  
TK 5105 .S73 Data and Computer Communications, 8th ed. William Stallings    W  
TK 5105.2 .T34 The ARRL Image Communications Handbook Ralph Taggart  L W O
TK 5105.3 .M48 Packet Communication, MIT/LCS/TR-114 Robert M. Metcalfe       
TK 5105.5 .A28 Ad Hoc Networking Charles E. Perkins  L W O
TK 5105.5 .F36 Delay- and Disruption-Tolerant Networking Stephen Farrell, Vinny Cahill    W  
TK 5105.5 .K484 Mathematical Foundations of Computer Networking Srinivasan Keshav    W  
TK 5105.5 .L52 Mastering Networks Jorg Liebeherr, Magda El Zarki    W  
TK 5105.5 .P34 The Elements of Networking Style and Other Essays and Animadversions on the Art of Intercomputer Networking M. A. Padlipsky    W  
TK 5105.5 .P474 Interconnections, 2nd ed. Radia Perlman  L W  
TK 5105.5 .T36 Computer Networks, 3rd ed. Andrew S. Tanenbaum  L W O
TK 5105.5 .T36 2011 Computer Networks, 5th ed. Andrew S. Tanenbaum, John David Wetherall    W  
TK 5105.543 .I87 Introduction to Network Simulator NS2 Teerawat Issariyakul, Ekram Hossain    W  
TK 5105.55 .S74 v.1 TCP/IP Illustrated, vol. 1 W. Richard Stevens    W  
TK 5105.55 .S74 v.2 TCP/IP Illustrated, vol. 2 W. Richard Stevens, Gary R. Wright  L W  
TK 5105.565 .G85 CGI Programming on the World Wide Web Shishir Gundavaram  L W O
TK 5105.585 .K69 The TCP/IP Guide Charles Kozierok    W  
TK 5105.59 .D3 The Database Hacker's Handbook David Litchfield, Chris Anley, John Heasman, Bill Grindlay    W O
TK 5105.59 .R37 Cryptography for Security and Privacy in Cloud Computing Stefan Rass, Daniel Slamanig  L    
TK 5105.59 .S69 Pro PHP Security Chris Snyder, Michael Southwell    W  
TK 5105.8 .E83 S45 Gigabit Ethernet Rich Seifert  L W  
TK 5105.875 .I57 H36 Internet Firewalls and Network Security Karanjit Siyan, Chris Hare  L W O
TK 5105.875 .I57 K88 Computer Networking, 6th ed. James F. Kurose, Keith W. Ross    W  
TK 5105.875 .I57 L48 The Internet for Dummies John R. Levine, Carol Baroudi  L W O
TK 5105.875 .I57 M69 OSPF John T. Moy    W  
TK 5105.875 .I57 M693 OSPF Complete Implementation John T. Moy  L    
TK 5105.885 .G66 C35 Google Hacks Tara Calishain, Rael Dornfest  L    
TK 5105.8857 .I68 IoT Automation: Arrowhead Framework Jerker Delsing    W  
TK 5105.8857 .S56 IoT Inc Bruce Sinclair    W  
TK 5105.8857 .S65 The Internet of Risky Things: Trusting the Devices that Surround Us Sean Smith    W O
TK 5105.888 .A54 The CSS Anthology, 2nd ed. Rachel Andrew    W O
TK 5105.888 .K78 Don't Make Me Think! Steve Krug  L W O
TK 5105.888 .L68 Web Design for ROI Lance Loveday, Sandra Niehaus  L W  
TK 5105.888 .L96 Web Style Guide Patrick J. Lynch, Sarah Horton  L    
TK 5105.888 .S477 The Zen of CSS Design Dave Shea, Molly E. Holzschlag  L W O
TK 5105.888 .S477 c.2 The Zen of CSS Design Dave Shea  L W O
TK 5105.888 .S53 Creating Killer Web Sites David Siegel  L    
TK 5105.888 .Y36 Build Your Own Database Driven Website Using PHP and MySQL, 3rd ed. Kevin Yank    W  
TK 5105.8885 .D74 Dreamweaver CS3 David McFarland    W O
TK 5741 .G7 v.1 Admiralty Handbook of Wireless Telegraphy, vol. 1 Great Britain, Admiralty  L    
TK 5741 .G7 v.2 Admiralty Handbook of Wireless Telegraphy, vol. 2 Great Britain, Admiralty  L    
TK 6023 .H57 A History of Engineering and Science in the Bell System Bell Telephone Laboratories, M. D. Fagen  L    
TK 6550 .H3155 Essentials of Radio Wave Propagation Christopher Haslett    W O
TK 6550 .N16 The Science of Radio Paul J. Nahin  L W O
TK 6550 .P665 More Arduino Projects for Ham Radio American Radio Relay League, Glen Popiel    W  
TK 6550 .R18 2020 v.1 The ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications, 97th ed., vol. 1 American Radio Relay League  L    
TK 6550 .R18 2020 v.2 The ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications, 97th ed., vol. 2 American Radio Relay League  L    
TK 6550 .R18 2020 v.3 The ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications, 97th ed., vol. 3 American Radio Relay League  L    
TK 6550 .R18 2020 v.4 The ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications, 97th ed., vol. 4 American Radio Relay League  L    
TK 6550 .R18 2020 v.5 The ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications, 97th ed., vol. 5 American Radio Relay League  L    
TK 6550 .R18 2020 v.6 The ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications, 97th ed., vol. 6 American Radio Relay League  L    
TK 6550 .T42 Radio Engineers' Handbook Frederick Emmons Terman  L    
TK 6553 .K73 Solid State Radio Engineering Herbert L. Krauss  L W O
TK 6553 .L823 RF Circuit Design, 2nd ed. Reinhold Ludwig, Gene Bogdanov  L    
TK 6553 .P768 Propagation of Radiowaves, 3rd ed. Les Barclay    W O
TK 6554.5 .S53 The ARRL Ham Radio License Manual American Radio Relay League    W O
TK 6560 .R83 The Electronics of Radio David B. Rutledge  L W O
TK 6565 .A6 A6 v.1 The ARRL Antenna Book, 24th ed., vol. 1 American Radio Relay League    W  
TK 6565 .A6 A6 v.2 The ARRL Antenna Book, 24th ed., vol. 2 American Radio Relay League    W  
TK 6565 .A6 A6 v.3 The ARRL Antenna Book, 24th ed., vol. 3 American Radio Relay League    W  
TK 6565 .A6 A6 v.4 The ARRL Antenna Book, 24th ed., vol. 4 American Radio Relay League    W  
TK 6565 .A6 L44 Physical Design of Yagi Antennas David B. Leeson  L W O
TK 6565 .A6 L46 Radiowave Propagation C. A. Levis  L W O
TK 6565 .A6 M283 Antenna and EM Modeling with Matlab Sergey N. Makarov    W O
TK 6565 .A6 M69 HF Antennas for All Locations, 2nd ed. Radio Society Of Great Britain    W O
TK 6565 .A6 P66 Radio Propagation Ian Poole    W O
TK 6680.5 .H37 Digital Video Barry G. Haskell, Atul Puri, Arun N. Netravali  L W O
TK 6680.5 .T45 Digital Video Processing A. Murat Tekalp  L    
TK 7815 .H67 The Art of Electronics, 3rd ed. Paul Horowitz, Winfield Hill    W O
TK 7815 .H675 The Art of Electronics: The X-Chapters Paul Horowitz, Winfield Hill    W O
TK 7816 .O33 An Introduction to Electronics William G. Oldham, Steven E. Schwarz  L    
TK 7835 .S55 Electronic Applications of the Smith Chart Phillip H. Smith  L    
TK 7867 .A5425 Analog Circuit and System Design Bob Dobkin  L W O
TK 7867 .W565 The Circuit Designer's Companion Peter Wilson    W  
TK 7867.5 .O867 Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineering Henry W. Ott  L W O
TK 7868 .D5 H63 Analysis and Design of Digital Integrated Circuits David A. Hodges, Horace G. Jackson  L W O
TK 7868 .D5 J635 High-Speed Digital Design: A Handbook of Black Magic Howard W. Johnson, Martin Graham  L W O
TK 7868 .I58 S76 Microcomputer Interfacing Harold S. Stone  L W O
TK 7868 .L6 L36 TTL Cookbook Don Lancaster  L    
TK 7868 .L6 L78 The TTL Data Book for Design Engineers, 2nd ed. Texas Instruments       
TK 7868 .L6 L78 1973 The TTL Data Book for Design Engineers Texas Instruments       
TK 7868 .L6 S83 Digital Design with Verilog HDL Eliezer Sternheim, Rajvir Singh, Yatin Trivedi    W O
TK 7868 .P7 B57 Boundary-Scan Test Harry Bleeker, Peter van den Eijnden, Frans de Jong  L    
TK 7870.15 .H36 Mastering Surface Mount Technology Vincent Himpe    W  
TK 7871.58 .O6 H64 Op Amps and Linear Integrated Circuits Richard A. Honeycutt    W O
TK 7871.6 .K645 Introduction to Antenna Analysis Using EM Simulators Hiroaki Kogure, Yoshie Kogure, James C. Rautio  L W O
TK 7871.7 .P66 The Tube Guys Norman H. Pond       
TK 7871.85 .M86 Device Electronics for Integrated Circuits Richard S. Muller, Theodore I. Kamins  L    
TK 7871.9 .M494 Transistor Projects Forrest M. Mims  L    
TK 7871.92 .D96 Radio Frequency Transistors Norm Dye  L W O
TK 7871.99 .M44 A56 Digital CMOS Circuit Design Marco Annaratone  L W O
TK 7871.99 .M44 T76 Latchup in CMOS Technology Ronald R. Troutman  L W O
TK 7872 .A6 A6 Antenna Engineering Handbook. 1st ed. Henry Jasik  L    
TK 7872 .C7 L3 RTL Cookbook Don Lancaster    W O
TK 7872 .D48 A422 Algorithms and Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks Azzedine Boukerche  L W O
TK 7872 .D48 D74 Self-Organization in Sensor and Actor Networks Falko Dressler    W O
TK 7872 .D48 F67 Introduction to Wireless Sensor Networks Anna Forster    W O
TK 7872 .D48 K75 Networking Wireless Sensors Bhaskar Krishnamachari    W O
TK 7872 .D48 S44 Deploying Wireless Sensor Networks Mustapha Reda Senouci, Abdelhamid Mellouk    W  
TK 7872 .F5 L28 Active Filter Cookbook, 2nd ed. Don Lancaster  L W O
TK 7872 .P38 B477 Phase Locked Loops Roland E. Best    W O
TK 7872 .P38 B477 1999 Phase-Locked Loops, 4th ed. Roland E. Best    W  
TK 7872 .P38 G37 Phaselock Techniques, 2nd ed. Floyd Martin Gardner  L W O
TK 7872 .T6 K68 Micromachined Transducers Sourcebook Gregory T. A. Kovacs  L W O
TK 7872 .V3 G45 Basic Electron Tubes Donovan V. Geppert  L    
TK 7874 .D5 T36 Digital Circuits and Microprocessors Herbert Taub    W O
TK 7874 .G688 Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits Paul R. Gray, Robert G. Meyer  L    
TK 7874 .P42 Troubleshooting Analog Circuits Robert A. Pease  L W O
TK 7874 .P47 Physical Design Automation of VLSI Systems Bryan Preas, Michael Lorenzetti  L    
TK 7874 .S38 VLSI Placement and Global Routing Using Simulated Annealing Carl Sechen  L    
TK 7874 .T84 The Essential Guide to Semiconductors James L Turley  L W O
TK 7874 .V566 VLSI Technology S. M. Sze  L    
TK 7874 .W65 Simulated Annealing for VLSI Design C. L. Liu, D. F. Wong, H. W. Leong  L    
TK 7876 .K585 Introduction to RF Design Using EM Simulators Hiroaki Kogure, Yoshie Kogure, James C. Rautio  L W O
TK 7881.4 .A48 The Foley Grail: The Art of Performing Sound for Film, Games, and Animation, 2nd ed. Vanessa Theme Ament    W  
TK 7881.4 .B8 Music Technology Reference Book Peter Buick    W O
TK 7881.4 .C745 Recording Tips for Engineers Tim Crich  L W O
TK 7881.4 .D38 The Sound Reinforcement Handbook Gary D. Davis, Ralph Jones    W  
TK 7881.4 .H783 Modern Recording Techniques David Miles Huber, Robert E. Runstein  L W O
TK 7881.4 .M55 Home Recording Power! Ben Milstead    W O
TK 7881.4 .O975 The Mixing Engineer's Handbook, 2nd ed. Bobby Owsinski  L W O
TK 7881.4 .S77 Home Recording for Musicians for Dummies Jeff Strong  L W O
TK 7881.4 .T78 Live Sound for Musicians Rudy Trubitt    W O
TK 7881.4 .Y35 Professional Sound Reinforcement Techniques Jim Yakabuski  L W O
TK 7882 .I6 L35 TV Typewriter Cookbook Don Lancaster  L    
TK 7882 .I6 L35 c.2 TV Typewriter Cookbook Don Lancaster  L    
TK 7885 .A1 A5 A Survey of Switching Circuit Theory E. J. McCluskey, Jr., Thomas C. Bartee  L    
TK 7885 .C657 Computers, Software Engineering, and Digital Devices Richard C. Dorf  L    
TK 7885 .T773 TRS-80 Micro Computer Technical Reference Handbook Radio Shack    W O
TK 7885.4 .K53 The Soul of a New Machine Tracy Kidder  L    
TK 7887.6 .D46 High-Speed Analog-to-Digital Conversion Michael J. Demler  L    
TK 7888.3 .L29 Computer Design Glen G. Langdon  L    
TK 7895 .E42 Principles of Embedded Networked Systems Design Gregory Pottie, William Kaiser    W  
TK 7895 .E42 B35 Embedded Microprocessor Systems, 3rd ed. Stuart R. Ball  L W O
TK 7895 .E42 B37 Programming Embedded Systems, 2nd ed. Michael Barr  L W O
TK 7895 .E42 B46 Embedded Systems Design Arnold Berger  L W O
TK 7895 .E42 C38 2002 Designing Embedded Hardware John Catsoulis  L W O
TK 7895 .E42 C38 2005 Designing Embedded Hardware, 2nd ed. John Catsoulis  L W O
TK 7895 .E42 E37 Embedded System Design on a Shoestring Lewin A. R. W. Edwards  L W O
TK 7895 .E42 G38 Embedded Systems Dictionary Michael Barr, Jack Ganssle  L W O
TK 7895 .E42 H43 Embedded Systems Design, 2nd ed. Steve Heath  L W O
TK 7895 .E42 N64 Embedded Systems Architecture Tammy Noergaard    W O
TK 7895 .E42 V35 Embedded Microcomputer Systems Jonathan W. Valvano  L W O
TK 7895 .G36 B48 Architecture and CAD for Deep-Submicron FPGAs Vaughn Betz, Jonathan Rose, Alexander Marquardt  L W O
TK 7895 .K36 68000 Microprocessor Handbook Gerry Kane  L W O
TK 7895 .M4 D54 Designing with Flash Memory Brian Dipert, Markus Levy  L W O
TK 7895 .M5 D47 Design of High-Performance Microprocessor Circuits Anantha Chandrakasan, William J. Bowhill, Frank Fox  L    
TK 7895 .M5 T74 Microprocessor Logic Design Nick Tredennick  L    
TK 9901 .G46 Basic Wiring Techniques Steve George, John Lowe  L W O
TK 9901 .G53 Muscle Wires Project Book, 3rd ed. Roger G. Gilbertson    W O
TK 9956 .F54 S59 6 Metre Handbook Don Field    W  
TK 9956 .F565 ARRL's HF Digital Handbook Steve Ford  L W O
TK 9956 .F7115 ARRL's VHF Digital Handbook Steve Ford    W O
TK 9956 .H325 Ham Radio for Arduino and PICAXE Leigh L. Klotz, Jr.  L W O
TK 9956 .H453 Hints & Kinks for the Radio Amateur, 18th ed. American Radio Relay League, Steve Ford  L W  
TK 9956 .H453 c.2 Hints & Kinks for the Radio Amateur, 18th ed. American Radio Relay League, Steve Ford  L W  
TK 9956 .T36 VoIP: Internet Linking for Radio Amateurs, 2nd ed. Jonathan Taylor    W  
TK 9957 .A773 v.2 The ARRL UHF/Microwave Projects Manual, vol. 2 American Radio Relay League  L W O
TK 9965 .M55 Integrated Circuit Projects Forrest M. Mims  L    
TK 9971 .H44 How to Design & Build Your Own Custom TV Games David L. Heiserman  L    

189 results

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