Original Library

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Showing books on the shelf near TK 3271 .K37

Show nearby books on shelf: at Home, at UCSC, in Storage, ? Unknown.
Links: L = go to Library of Congress, W = go to WorldCat, O = go to Open Library.

   Call Number   Title   Author(s)   
? TJ 1189 .S593 CNC Programming Techniques Peter Smid    W O
? TK 145 .E435 Electronics, Power Electronics, and Optoelectrics Richard C. Dorf  L    
? TK 153 .A47 Micro Electro Mechanical System Design James J. Allen  L W O
? TK 260 .S7 One and Two Family Dwelling James G. Stallcup, James W. Stallcup       
? TK 454 .K48 Inside Spice Ron M. Kielkowski    W  
? TK 454.2 .D4 Basic Circuit Theory Charles A. Desoer, Ernest S. Kuh  L    
? TK 1001 .S93 Systems and Controls, Embedded Systems, Energy, and Machines Richard C. Dorf  L    
? TK 3271 .K37 Code Check Electrical: A Field Guide to Wiring a Safe House Redwood Kardon, Douglas Hansen, Michael Casey  L W O
? TK 5101 .B425 Mathematical Theory of Connecting Networks and Telephone Traffic V. E. Benes  L W O
? TK 5101 .B425 c.2 Mathematical Theory of Connecting Networks and Telephone Traffic V. E. Benes  L    
? TK 5101 .H373 An Introduction to Analog and Digital Communications, 2nd ed. Simon Haykin, Michael Moher    W  
? TK 5101 .L333 Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems, 3rd ed. B. P. Lathi    W  
? TK 5101 .S448 Claude Elwood Shannon Claude Elwood Shannon  L W O
? TK 5101.55 .F67 Attacking Network Protocols: A Hacker's Guide to Capture, Analysis, and Exploitation James Forshaw    W O
? TK 5102.5 .R525 Digital Signal Processing Richard A. Roberts    W