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Searching for "James"
Results: 45

Show nearby books on shelf: at Home, at UCSC, in Storage, ? Unknown.

Links: L = go to Library of Congress, W = go to WorldCat, O = go to Open Library.

   Call Number   Title   Author(s)   
? AC 1 .G72 v.13 Poems James Rhoades, Virgil  L     
? AC 1 .G72 v.42 The Critique of Pure Reason. The Critique of Practical Reason, and Other Ethical Treatises. The Critique of Judgement. Immanuel Kant, J. M. D. Meiklejohn, James Creed Meredith, Thomas Kingsmill Abbott  L     
? AC 1 .G72 v.43 Declaration of Independence. Articles of Confederation and the Constitution. The Federalist. On Liberty, Representative Government [and] Utilitarianism Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Jay, John Stuart Mill  L     
? AC 1 .G72 v.44 Life of Samuel Johnson, LL. D. James Boswell  L     
? AC 1 .G72 v.53 The Principles of Psychology William James  L     
? BF 431 .G782 Know Your Own Mind James Greene  L W O 
? BF 441 .A28 Conceptual Blockbusting James L. Adams    W O 
? E 175.85 .L64 Lies My Teacher Told Me James W. Loewen    W O 
? GR 930 .H377 Happy Birthday February 11 James Victore, Cheryl Knippenburg  L     
? GV 1446 .E23 Chess for Dummies James Eade  L W O 
? HB 172.5 .B74 Macroeconomics William H. Branson, James M. Litvack  L W O 
? HF 1017 .M358 A First Course in Business Statistics, 8th ed. James T. McClave, P. George Benson, Terry Sincich  L W O 
? HG 4521 .O83 Invest like the Best James P. O'Shaughnessy  L W O 
? PE 1591 .F5 Synonyms, Antonyms, and Prepositions James C. Fernald        
? PN 6728 .I2 G67 I Would Lick It for Hours Mel Hynes, James Grant    W O 
? PS 3539 .H49 T5 c.2 The Thurber Carnival James Thurber        
? PS 3539 .H94 My Life and Hard Times James Thurber    W O 
? Q 125 .B947 The Day the Universe Changed James Burke  L     
? Q 172.5 .C45 G54 Chaos James Gleick  L     
? QA 3 .W67 v.1 The World of Mathematics, vol. 1 James R. Newman  L     
? QA 3 .W67 v.2 The World of Mathematics, vol. 2 James R. Newman  L     
? QA 3 .W67 v.3 The World of Mathematics, vol. 3 James R. Newman  L     
? QA 3 .W67 v.4 The World of Mathematics, vol. 4 James R. Newman  L     
? QA 9 .N3 Godel's Proof James R. Newman, Ernset Nagel  L W O 
? QA 76.6 .P475 Operating System Concepts James L. Peterson, Abraham Silberschatz    W O 
? QA 76.73 .J38 J3855 Java Swing Marc Loy, Robert Eckstein, David Wood, James Elliott, Brian Cole    W   
? QA 455 .S4 Plane Geometry F. Eugene Seymour, Paul James Smith  L     
? QB 85 .M67 The Astrolabe James E. Morrison    W   
? QB 209 .G48 Faster James Gleick  L W O 
? QC 16 .F49 G54 Genius James Gleick  L W O 
? QC 903 .H64 Climate Cover-Up James Hoggan    W O 
? QH 311 .L645 Life at the Edge James L. Gould, Carol Grant Gould  L     
? QH 442 .R37 Recombinant DNA James D. Watson, Jan Witkowski, Michael Gillman, Mark Zoller  L W O 
? TA 469 .A8 Wrought Iron: Its Manufacture, Characteristics and Applications, 3rd ed. James Aston, Edward B. Story  L     
? TH 6057 .A6 D84 Alternatize Your Home James T. Dulley    W O 
? TK 153 .A47 Micro Electro Mechanical System Design James J. Allen  L W O 
? TK 260 .S7 One and Two Family Dwelling James G. Stallcup, James W. Stallcup        
? TK 5101.55 .F67 Attacking Network Protocols: A Hacker's Guide to Capture, Analysis, and Exploitation James Forshaw    W O 
? TK 5103.4835 .R37 Millimeter Wave Wireless Communications Theodore S. Rappaport, Robert W. Heath, Jr., Robert C. Daniels, James N. Murdock    W   
? TK 5105.875 .I57 K88 Computer Networking, 6th ed. James F. Kurose, Keith W. Ross    W   
? TK 7871.6 .K645 Introduction to Antenna Analysis Using EM Simulators Hiroaki Kogure, Yoshie Kogure, James C. Rautio  L W O 
? TK 7874 .T84 The Essential Guide to Semiconductors James L Turley  L W O 
? TK 7876 .K585 Introduction to RF Design Using EM Simulators Hiroaki Kogure, Yoshie Kogure, James C. Rautio  L W O 
? TL 790 .S73 Space Mission Analysis and Design, 3rd ed. James R. Wertz, Wiley J. Larson  L W O 
? UB 251 .U5 B35 The Puzzle Palace James Bamford  L     

45 results

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