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Searching for "Programming"
Results: 76

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Links: L = go to Library of Congress, W = go to WorldCat, O = go to Open Library.

   Call Number   Title   Author(s)   
? FILE 1 .P47 PPC ROM Pocket Guide Personal Programming Center        
? QA 75 .H663 HP-41C Owner's Handbook and Programming Guide Hewlett-Packard Company        
? QA 75 .H73 HP-19C/HP-29C Owner's Handbook and Programming Guide Hewlett-Packard Company        
? QA 75 .P6 P6 PPC ROM User's Manual Personal Programming Center    W   
? QA 76 .L23 W56 LISP, 2nd ed. Patrick Henry Winston        
? QA 76.54 .L37 Real-Time Systems Design and Analysis Phillip A. Laplante, Seppo J. Ovaska    W   
? QA 76.6 .B452 More Programming Pearls: Confessions of a Coder Jon Bentley  L     
? QA 76.6 .B453 Programming Pearls Jon Bentley  L     
? QA 76.6 .C62 Operating Systems Theory Edward G. Coffman, Jr., Peter J. Denning  L W O 
QA 76.6 .C6274 Version Control with Subversion, 2nd ed. C. Michael Pilato, Ben Collins-Sussman, Brian W. Fitzpatrick    W O 
? QA 76.6 .C662 Introduction to Algorithms Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest    W O 
? QA 76.6 .C662 2009 Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd ed. Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, Clifford Stein  L W O 
? QA 76.6 .D517 The Armchair Universe A. K. Dewdney  L W O 
? QA 76.6 .G35 Computers and Intractability Michael R. Garey, David S. Johnson    W O 
? QA 76.6 .G35 c.2 Computers and Intractability Michael R. Garey, David S. Johnson    W O 
? QA 76.6 .H76 Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni    W O 
? QA 76.6 .K3413 The MFC Answer Book Eugene Kain  L W O 
? QA 76.6 .K47 The Elements of Programming Style, 2nd ed. Brian Wilson Kernighan, P. J. Plauger  L W O 
? QA 76.6 .K493 Software Tools in Pascal Brian Wilson Kernighan, P. J. Plauger  L W O 
? QA 76.6 .K64 v.2 The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 2: Seminumerical Algorithms, 2nd ed. Donald Knuth    W O 
? QA 76.6 .K64 v.3 The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 3: Sorting and Searching Donald Knuth        
? QA 76.6 .K64 v.4a The art of Computer Programming, Volume 4A: Combinatorial Algorithms, Part 1 Donald Knuth    W O 
? QA 76.6 .W375 Hacker's Delight Henry S. Warren, Jr.  L W O 
? QA 76.6 .W45 The Psychology of Computer Programming Gerald M. Weinberg  L W O 
? QA 76.6 .W56 Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs Niklaus Wirth  L W O 
? QA 76.623 .S58 Introduction to Genetic Algorithms S. N. Sivanandam, S. N. Deepa  L W O 
? QA 76.64 .D47 Design Patterns Erich Gamma, John Vlissides, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson    W   
? QA 76.642 .A46 Highly Parallel Computing George S. Almasi  L W O 
? QA 76.7 .P37 The Definitive ANTLR Reference Terence Parr    W O 
? QA 76.73 .A73 M35 Arduino Cookbook, 2nd ed. Michael Margolis  L W O 
? QA 76.73 .B3 L4 Elementary Basic, as Chronicled by John H. Watson Henry F. Ledgard  L     
? QA 76.73 .C15 A42 Programming Language -- C American National Standards Institute    W   
? QA 76.73 .C15 K47 1978 The C Programming Language Brian Wilson Kernighan, Dennis MacAlistair Ritchie  L W O 
? QA 76.73 .C153 S77 The C++ Programming Language Bjarne Stroustrup    W O 
? QA 76.73 .F25 A33 Applied FORTRAN 77 Roy Ageloff  L W O 
? QA 76.73 .J39 C763 JavaScript: The Good Parts Douglas Crockford    W   
? QA 76.73 .P2 K63 Problem Solving and Structured Programming in Pascal Elliot B. Koffman    W O 
? QA 76.73 .P22 H35 Effective Perl Programming Joseph N. Hall  L W O 
? QA 76.73 .P22 V765 Perl 5 Pocket Reference, 3rd Edition Johan Vromans    W O 
? QA 76.73 .P22 W35 Programming Perl (3rd Edition) Larry Wall, Tom Christiansen, Jon Orwant    W O 
? QA 76.73 .P224 S55 Learning PHP 5 David Sklar    W   
? QA 76.76 .A65 J33 Android Apps for Absolute Beginners Wallace Jackson  L W O 
? QA 76.76 .A65 K48 iOS Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide (6th Edition) (Big Nerd Ranch Guides) Aaron Hillegass, Christian Keur    W O 
? QA 76.76 .C65 M8 Advanced Compiler Design and Implementation Steven S. Muchnick  L W O 
? QA 76.76 .O63 A24 Linux for Embedded and Real-Time Applications Doug Abbott    W   
? QA 76.76 .O63 H57145 Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X Aaron Hillegass  L W O 
? QA 76.76 .O63 P533 Programming Windows Charles Petzold  L W O 
? QA 76.76 .O63 S755 UNIX Network Programming, vol. 1, 3rd ed. W. Richard Stevens, Bill Fenner, Andrew M. Rudoff    W   
? QA 76.774 .I67 Swift Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide (2nd Edition) (Big Nerd Ranch Guides) Matthew Mathias, John Gallagher    W O 
? QA 76.8 .A662 P648 Apple II User's Guide Lon Poole  L W O 
? QA 76.8 .I2594 N68 The Peter Norton Programmer's Guide to the IBM PC Peter Norton    W O 
? QA 76.8 .I28 R66 The Bugbook III Peter R. Rony, David G. Larsen, Jonathan A. Titus        
? QA 76.8 .I28 R665 The 8080A Bugbook Peter R. Rony, David G. Larsen, Jonathan A. Titus  L     
? QA 76.8 .I64 A47 Learning iOS Programming, 2nd ed. Alasdair Allan  L W O 
? QA 76.8 .I64 L49 Iphone and Ipad Apps for Absolute Beginners IOS 5 Edition Rory Lewis    W O 
? QA 76.8 .P67 H43 PowerPC Programming Pocket Book Steve Heath  L W O 
? QA 76.8 .R19 R53 Getting Started with Raspberry Pi Shawn P. Wallace, Matt Richardson  L W O 
? QA 76.9 .A25 D75 The Art of Software Security Assessment Mark Dowd, John McDonald, Justin Schuh  L W O 
? QA 76.9 .A73 S88 See MIPS Run Dominic Sweetman  L W O 
? QA 402.5 .J33 Iterative Methods for Nonlinear Optimization Problems Janusz S. Kowalik, Samuel L. S. Jacoby, J. T. Pizzo  L W   
? QA 402.5 .P58 Computational Methods in Optimization E. Polak  L W O 
? T 57.83 .B49 Stochastic Optimal Control Dimitri P. Bertsekas, Steven E. Shreve    W   
? T 385 .G688 GPU Gems 2 Matt Pharr, Randima Fernando  L W O 
? TA 368 .A55 2003 v.1 ISO/IEC 14882: Programming Languages -- C++, vol. 1 ANSI        
? TA 368 .A55 2003 v.2 ISO/IEC 14882: Programming Languages -- C++, vol. 2 ANSI        
? TJ 1189 .H21 7 Easy Steps to CNC Programming ... A Beginner's Guide David S. Hayden    W O 
? TJ 1189 .H22 7 Easy Steps to CNC Programming, Book II David S. Hayden    W O 
? TJ 1189 .S29 Computer Numerical Control Programming Michael Sava, Joseph Pusztai  L W O 
? TJ 1189 .S592 CNC Programming Handbook, 3rd ed. Peter Smid    W O 
? TJ 1189 .S593 CNC Programming Techniques Peter Smid    W O 
? TK 5105.565 .G85 CGI Programming on the World Wide Web Shishir Gundavaram  L W O 
? TK 5105.59 .S69 Pro PHP Security Chris Snyder, Michael Southwell    W   
? TK 5105.885 .G66 C35 Google Hacks Tara Calishain, Rael Dornfest  L     
? TK 5105.888 .L68 Web Design for ROI Lance Loveday, Sandra Niehaus  L W   
? TK 7895 .E42 B37 Programming Embedded Systems, 2nd ed. Michael Barr  L W O 
? TK 7895 .E42 B46 Embedded Systems Design Arnold Berger  L W O 

76 results

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