(This is an archive of the library that was lost in the CZU Lightning Complex fire on August 19, 2020. Go to the
Showing call numbers starting with T
♦ = show nearby books on the shelf,
L = go to Library of Congress,
W = go to WorldCat,
O = go to Open Library.
Call Number |
Title |
Author(s) |
♦ |
T 11 .M346
Technical Writing |
Michael H. Markel |
W |
♦ |
T 11 .M3465
Writing in the Technical Fields |
Michael H. Markel |
W |
♦ |
T 11.4 .E345
Editing the Refereed Scientific Journal |
Donald L. Kinser |
L W O |
♦ |
T 14 .N67
Things That Make Us Smart |
Donald A. Norman |
L W O |
♦ |
T 27 .J3 K393
101 Unuseless Japanese Inventions |
Kenji Kawakami, Dan Papia |
W O |
♦ |
T 27 .J3 K394
99 More Unuseless Japanese Inventions |
Kenji Kawakami, Dan Papia |
W O |
♦ |
T 47 .S84
How Do They Do That? |
Caroline Sutton |
L W O |
♦ |
T 57.83 .B49
Stochastic Optimal Control |
Dimitri P. Bertsekas, Steven E. Shreve |
W |
♦ |
T 353 .L628
Graphics in Engineering Design, 3rd ed. |
A. S. Levens |
L W O |
♦ |
T 385 .D875
3D Math Primer for Graphics and Game Development |
Fletcher Dunn, Ian Parberry |
W |
♦ |
T 385 .G688
GPU Gems 2 |
Matt Pharr, Randima Fernando |
L W O |
♦ |
T 385 .P3
The RenderMan Interface |
Pixar |
♦ |
T 385 .R43414
Real-Time Volume Graphics |
Klaus Engel, Markus Hadwiger, Joe M. Kniss, Christof Rezk-salama, Daniel Weiskopf |
W |