Original Library

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Searching for "Ott"
Results: 35

Show nearby books on shelf: at Home, at UCSC, in Storage, ? Unknown.

Links: L = go to Library of Congress, W = go to WorldCat, O = go to Open Library.

   Call Number   Title   Author(s)   
? AC 1 .G72 v.23 The Prince. Leviathan; or, Matter, Form, and Power of a Commonwealth, Ecclesiastical and Civil Niccolo Machiavelli, Thomas Hobbes, W. K. Marriott  L     
? AC 1 .G72 v.24 Garguantua and Pantagruel Francois Rabelais, Peter Motteux, Thomas Urquhart  L     
? AC 1 .G72 v.25 Essays Charles Cotton, Michel de Montaigne, W. Carew Hazlitt  L     
? AC 1 .G72 v.28 On the Loadstone and Magnetic Bodies. Concerning the Two New Sciences. On the Motion of the Heart and Blood in Animals. On the Circulation of the Blood. On the Generation of Animals. Alfonso de Salvio, Fleury Mottelay, Galileo Galilei, Henry Crew, Robert Willis, William Gilbert  L     
? AC 1 .G72 v.33 The Provincial Letters, Pensees, Scientific Treatises Blaise Pascal, Richard Scofield, Thomas M'Crie, W. F. Trotter  L     
? AC 1 .G72 v.34 Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, Optics, Treatise on Light Andrew Motte, Christiaan Huygens, Florian Cajori, Issac Newton, Silvanus P. Thompson  L     
? AC 1 .G72 v.42 The Critique of Pure Reason. The Critique of Practical Reason, and Other Ethical Treatises. The Critique of Judgement. Immanuel Kant, J. M. D. Meiklejohn, James Creed Meredith, Thomas Kingsmill Abbott  L     
? G 850 1910 .S4 W55 The Lost Photographs of Captain Scott David M. Wilson  L W O 
? GV 1507 .M3 A22 Mad Mazes Robert Abbott    W O 
? HA 29 .W622 Introductory Statistics for Business and Economics Thomas H. Wonnacott, Ronald J. Wonnacott  L W O 
? HB 171.5 .W76 Economics Paul Wonnacott, Ronald Wonnacott  L W O 
? HG 4026 .W448 Essentials of Managerial Finance, 12th ed. Scott Besley, Eugene F. Brigham  L W O 
? HQ 536 .G68 Why Marriages Succeed or Fail John Gottman  L     
? ML 1040 .W35 Bells and Their Music Wendell Westcott  L W O 
? N 7430.5 .K6 Inversions Scott Kim    W O 
? NK 2115.5 .L5 D46 Ultimate Lighting Design Herve Descottes    W O 
? NK 2715 .F47 1000 Chairs Charlotte Fiell, Peter Fiell, Simone Philippi  L W O 
? NK 8205 .E53 A Pictorial Encyclopedia of Decorative Ironwork Otto Hoever    W O 
? PN 1992.77 .D6275 S363 Wise Words from Across Space and Time Cavan Scott  L W O 
? PN 1992.77 .T87 Z52 The Twilight Zone Companion Marc Scott Zicree  L W O 
? PN 6710 .M3325 Making Comics Scott McCloud    W O 
? PR 2892 .H55 Shakespeare's Insults William Shakespeare, Wayne F. Hill, Cynthia J. Ottchen  L W O 
? PR 5489 .C5 A Child's Garden of Verses Robert Louis Stevenson  L W O 
? QA 76.73 .J38 J3855 Java Swing Marc Loy, Robert Eckstein, David Wood, James Elliott, Brian Cole    W   
? QA 76.73 .J39 M865 Interactive Data Visualization for the Web: An Introduction to Designing with D3 Scott Murray    W O 
? QA 76.76 .O63 A24 Linux for Embedded and Real-Time Applications Doug Abbott    W   
? QA 76.76 .O63 K4 MAC OS X Leopard Killer Tips Scott Kelby    W O 
? QA 699 .A115 The Annotated Flatland Edwin Abbott Abbott  L W O 
? QA 699 .A2 Flatland Edwin Abbott Abbott  L     
? QB 541 .O87 The Under-Standing of Eclipses Guy Ottewell    W O 
? QH 367 .S395 Evolution vs. Creationism Eugenie Carol Scott  L     
? TH 9705 .C66 Home Security Sydney C. Cooper, Anne Scott  L W O 
? TK 5103.2 .M33 Wireless Digital Communications Tom McDermott    W O 
? TK 7867.5 .O867 Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineering Henry W. Ott  L W O 
? TK 7895 .E42 Principles of Embedded Networked Systems Design Gregory Pottie, William Kaiser    W   

35 results

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