Original Library

(This is an archive of the library that was lost in the CZU Lightning Complex fire on August 19, 2020. Go to the Current Library.)

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Searching for "Text"
Results: 15

Show nearby books on shelf: at Home, at UCSC, in Storage, ? Unknown.

Links: L = go to Library of Congress, W = go to WorldCat, O = go to Open Library.

   Call Number   Title   Author(s)   
? E 175.85 .L64 Lies My Teacher Told Me James W. Loewen    W O 
? HA 29 .H82 How to Lie with Statistics Darrell Huff  L W O 
? HB 171.5 .N574 Intermediate Microeconomics and its Application, 2nd ed. Walter Nicholson  L W O 
? PR 4611 .A7 The Annotated Alice Lewis Carroll  L W O 
? QA 39.2 .G47 Mathematical Structures for Computer Science Judith L. Gersting  L W O 
? QA 47 .C7 CRC Standard Mathematical Tables, 24th ed. Chemical Rubber Company  L     
? QA 76.76 .H94 C3698 2007 HTML, XHTML & CSS: Visual Quickstart Guide, 6th ed. Elizabeth Castro    W O 
? QA 76.76 .H94 H4 Illustrated Guide to HTTP Paul S. Hethmon  L     
? QA 76.76 .O63 L355 Learning the vi Editor Linda Lamb  L W O 
? QA 76.76 .U84 L48 Flex & Bison John R. Levine  L W O 
? QA 448 .D38 C65 Computational Geometry Mark de Berg  L W O 
? QA 551 .S32 Analytic Geometry. Student's Text, Unit No. 64, Revised Edition Henry Glenn Ayre        
? QC 21.2 .T547 Modern Physics Paul A. Tipler  L     
? QH 308.2 .C34 Biology, 2nd ed. Neil Alexander Campbell, Jane B. Reece, Lisa A. Urry, Michael L. Cain, Steven A. Wasserman, Peter V. Minorsky  L W O 
? TS 171.4 .N67 The Psychology of Everyday Things Donald A. Norman  L     

15 results

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