Original Library

(This is an archive of the library that was lost in the CZU Lightning Complex fire on August 19, 2020. Go to the Current Library.)

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Showing books on the shelf near AC 1 .G72 v.11

Show nearby books on shelf: at Home, at UCSC, in Storage, ? Unknown.
Links: L = go to Library of Congress, W = go to WorldCat, O = go to Open Library.

   Call Number   Title   Author(s)   
? AC 1 .G72 v.4 The Iliad of Homer, The Odyssey Homer, Samuel Butler  L    
? AC 1 .G72 v.5 Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes Aeschylus, Aristophanes, B. B. Rogers, E. P. Coleridge, Euripides, G. M. Cookson, R. C. Jebb, Sophocles  L    
? AC 1 .G72 v.6 The History of Herodotus, The History of the Peloponnesian War George Rawlinson, Herodotus, R. Feetham, Richard Crawley, Thucydides  L    
? AC 1 .G72 v.7 Dialogs, The Seventh Letter Benjamin Jowett, J. Harward, Plato  L    
? AC 1 .G72 v.8 Works I Aristotle, W. D. Ross  L    
? AC 1 .G72 v.9 Works II Aristotle, W. D. Ross  L    
? AC 1 .G72 v.10 Hippocratic Writings, On the Natural Faculties Arthur John Brock, Francis Adams, Galen, Hippocrates  L    
? AC 1 .G72 v.11 Euclid, Archimedes, Appollonius of Perga, Nicomachus Appollonius of Perga, Archimedes, Euclid, Martin L. D'Ooge, Nicomachus, R. Catesby Taliaferro, Thomas Heath  L    
? AC 1 .G72 v.12 On the Nature of Things, The Discourses of Epictetus, The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius Epictetus, George Long, H. A. J. Munro, Lucretius, Marcus Aurelius  L    
? AC 1 .G72 v.13 Poems James Rhoades, Virgil  L    
? AC 1 .G72 v.14 The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans Arthur Hugh Clough, John Dryden, Plutarch  L    
? AC 1 .G72 v.15 The Annals and The Histories Alfred John Church, Cornelius Tacitus, William Jackson Brodribb  L    
? AC 1 .G72 v.16 The Almagest, On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres, Epitome of Copernican Astronomy, The Harmonies of the World Charles Glenn Wallis, Copernican Astronomy, The Harmonies of the world, Johannes Kepler, Nicolaus Copernicus, Ptolemy, R. Catesby Taliaferro  L W O
? AC 1 .G72 v.17 The Six Enneads B. S. Page, Plotinus, Stephen MacKenna  L    
? AC 1 .G72 v.18 The Confessions, The City of God, On Christian Doctrine Augustine, Edward Bouverie Pusey, J. F. Shaw, Marcus Dods  L