Original Library

(This is an archive of the library that was lost in the CZU Lightning Complex fire on August 19, 2020. Go to the Current Library.)

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Showing books on the shelf near TD 778 .B58

Show nearby books on shelf: at Home, at UCSC, in Storage, ? Unknown.
Links: L = go to Library of Congress, W = go to WorldCat, O = go to Open Library.

   Call Number   Title   Author(s)   
? TA 350 .M458 Engineering Mechanics, Vol. 1 J. L. Meriam  L W O
? TA 368 .A55 2003 v.1 ISO/IEC 14882: Programming Languages -- C++, vol. 1 ANSI       
? TA 368 .A55 2003 v.2 ISO/IEC 14882: Programming Languages -- C++, vol. 2 ANSI       
? TA 469 .A8 Wrought Iron: Its Manufacture, Characteristics and Applications, 3rd ed. James Aston, Edward B. Story  L    
? TA 658.2 .H645 Structural Design for the Stage, 2nd ed. Alys E. Holden, Bronislaw J. Sammler, Bradley L. Powers, Steven A. Schmidt    W  
? TA 1632 .B49 Image and Video Compression Standards Vasudev Bhaskaran  L W O
? TD 170 .M36 The Control of Nature John McPhee  L    
? TD 778 .B58 The Septic System Owner's Manual Lloyd Kahn    W  
? TH 151 .K5 v.1 The Architects' and Builders' Pocket-Book, 16th ed., vol. 1 Frank Eugene Kidder  L    
? TH 151 .K5 v.2 The Architects' and Builders' Pocket-Book, 16th ed., vol. 2 Frank Eugene Kidder  L    
? TH 439 .C37 Code Check Building: A Field Guide to the Building Codes Redwood Kardon, Michael Casey    W O
? TH 439 .K372 Code Check West: A Field Guide to Building a Safe House Redwood Kardon, Michael Casey, Douglas Hansen    W O
? TH 441 .L48 Why Buildings Fall Down Matthys Levy    W O
? TH 2275 .W567 Windows & Skylights Sunset Books  L W O
? TH 2521 .B57 Floors, Walls & Ceilings Graham Blackburn  L W O