Original Library

(This is an archive of the library that was lost in the CZU Lightning Complex fire on August 19, 2020. Go to the Current Library.)

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Showing books on the shelf near KFC 141 .Z9 W36

Show nearby books on shelf: at Home, at UCSC, in Storage, ? Unknown.
Links: L = go to Library of Congress, W = go to WorldCat, O = go to Open Library.

   Call Number   Title   Author(s)   
? K 47 .H7 Holland in Motion Martin Kers    W  
? K 639 .A41989 A2 Convention on the Rights of the Child General Assembly of the United Nations  L W O
? KF 387 .C547 The Consumer Reports Law Book Carol Haas    W O
? KF 734 .Z9 C57 Make Your Own Living Trust Denis Clifford  L W O
? KF 1262 .F37 Habeas Data Cyrus Farivar  L W O
? KF 5701 .I5 1991 Dwelling Construction under the Uniform Building Code International Conference of Building Officials       
? KF 5708 .C27 Code Check HVAC: A Field Guide to Heating and Cooling Redwood Kardon, Michael Casey, Douglas Hansen    W O
? KFC 141 .Z9 W36 Homestead Your House Ralph E. Warner  L W O
? KFC 976 .Z9 W37 Everybody's Guide to Small Claims Court Ralph E. Warner  L W O
? LB 2322.2 .D39 The New Education: How to Revolutionize the University to Prepare Students for a World in Flux Cathy N. Davidson  L W O
? LB 2367.4 .G43 Essential Words for the GRE Philip Geer    W O
? LB 2369 .T8 A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations Kate L. Turabian    W  
? LC 212.82 .S27 Failing at Fairness Myra Sadker, David Sadker  L    
? LD 3231 .M70 Space Division and Scheduling in Multiple Access and Some Information-Theoretic Approaches to Problems in Networking Kamran Sayrafian-Pour    W  
? M 1630.18 .L44 T65 Too Many Songs by Tom Lehrer Tom Lehrer    W O