Original Library

(This is an archive of the library that was lost in the CZU Lightning Complex fire on August 19, 2020. Go to the Current Library.)

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Showing books on the shelf near ND 553 .M7 M558

Show nearby books on shelf: at Home, at UCSC, in Storage, ? Unknown.
Links: L = go to Library of Congress, W = go to WorldCat, O = go to Open Library.

   Call Number   Title   Author(s)   
? NC 1325 .G39 The Art of Caricature Dick Gautier  L W O
? NC 1429 .G724 A4 Work is Hell Matt Groening  L W O
? NC 1429 .M15 A4 Great Moments in Architecture David Macaulay  L W O
? NC 1764 .W25 The Lexicon of Comicana Mort Walker    W O
? NC 1765 .G7 Cartoon Animation Milton Gray  L W O
? NC 1766 .U52 D58 The Illusion of Life Frank Thomas Bullen, Ollie Johnston  L W O
? ND 553 .M37 A41 Matisse Henri Matisse    W O
? ND 553 .M7 M558 Monet Sophie Monneret    W O
? NE 670 .E75 A4 M.C. Escher, 29 Master Prints M. C. Escher  L W O
? NK 1535 .E25 W67 The Work of Charles and Ray Eames Donald Albrecht, Joseph Giovannini, Philip Morrison, Phylis Morrison, Alan Lightman, Beatriz Colomina, Helene Lipstadt  L W O
? NK 2110 .E56 Dream Homes Andreas Von Einsiedel, Johanna Thornycroft    W O
? NK 2110 .G48 The Decorating Book Mary Gilliatt    W O
? NK 2115 .M38 Home Decorating for Dummies Katharine Kaye McMillan, Patricia Hart McMillan  L W O
? NK 2115.5 .C6 N55 White by Design Bo Niles    W O
? NK 2115.5 .L5 D46 Ultimate Lighting Design Herve Descottes    W O