Original Library

(This is an archive of the library that was lost in the CZU Lightning Complex fire on August 19, 2020. Go to the Current Library.)

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Showing books on the shelf near NK 2395 .D67

Show nearby books on shelf: at Home, at UCSC, in Storage, ? Unknown.
Links: L = go to Library of Congress, W = go to WorldCat, O = go to Open Library.

   Call Number   Title   Author(s)   
? NK 2117 .K5 C375 Kitchens Encarna Castillo  L W O
? NK 2117 .K5 G797 Kitchen Culture Johnny Grey    W O
? NK 2117 .K5 M38 Kitchens: Design Is in the Details Brad Mee    W O
? NK 2117 .K5 S54 House Beautiful Kitchens Carol Sama Sheehan  L W O
? NK 2195 .A6 B37 Living Large in Small Spaces Marisa Bartolucci, Radek Kurzaj  L W O
? NK 2195 .O4 M3 Making the Most of Work Spaces Lorrie Mack  L    
? NK 2195 .O4 R55 Home Offices John Riha  L W O
? NK 2395 .D67 The New Furniture Peter Dormer  L W O
? NK 2715 .F47 1000 Chairs Charlotte Fiell, Peter Fiell, Simone Philippi  L W O
? NK 8205 .E53 A Pictorial Encyclopedia of Decorative Ironwork Otto Hoever    W O
? NK 8205 .M282 Artistry in Iron: 183 Designs A. Raguenet  L    
? NK 8243 .G6 Decorative Iron and Metalwork R. Goodwin-Smith    W O
? NK 8262 .H54213 Spanish Decorative Ironwork    W O
? NK 8595.2 .T68 B83 I Am Plastic Paul Budnitz  L W O
? NX 180 .S3 W55 Art of Tinkering Karen Wilkinson, Mike Petrich    W O