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Results: 116

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   Call Number   Title   Author(s)   
AS 36 .R3 R2280 U104 Hand Calculator Programs for Staff Officers Edwin W. Paxson  L W O 
B 407 .M22 Introduction to Aristotle, Edited, With a General Introduction and Introductions to the Particular Works Aristotle, Richard McKeon  L W O 
D 810 .C88 M375 Between Silk and Cyanide: A Codemaker's War, 1941-1945 Leo Marks  L W O 
? D 810 .C88 M46 Codebreakers: The Inside Story of Bletchley Park F. H. Hinsley, Alan Stripp  L W O 
? D 810 .S2 Z56 Top Secret Exchange: The Tizard Mission and the Scientific War David Zimmerman  L W   
E 915 .U55 Final report of the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol United States    W   
F 774.3 .C646 2018 Colorado, 3rd ed. Benedict Walker  L W O 
GA 110 .S576 Flattening the Earth: Two Thousand Years of Map Projections John P. Snyder  L W O 
HD 31 .D42185 Peopleware: Productive Projects and Teams Tom DeMarco, Timothy Lister  L W O 
HF 5718 .S464 The Art of Business Communication: How to Use Pictures, Charts and Graphs to Make Your Message Stick Graham Shaw  L W O 
HV 6295 .I75 B47 Rise and Kill First: The Secret History of Israel's Targeted Assassinations Ronen Bergman, Ronnie Hope  L W O 
HV 6679 .A27 Zero Day Threat: The Shocking Truth of How Banks and Credit Bureaus Help Cyber Crooks Steal Your Money and Identity Byron Acohido, Jon Swartz  L W O 
JF 251 .R85 2021 Ruler Personality Cults from Empires to Nation-States and Beyond: Symbolic Patterns and Interactional Dynamics Kirill Postoutenko, Darin Stephanov  L W O 
? KF 9345 .S77 Hate: Why We Should Resist It with Free Speech, Not Censorship Nadine Strossen    W O 
LB 1062 .L349 Small Teaching: Everyday Lessons from the Science of Learning, 2nd ed. James M. Lang  L W O 
LD 781 .S518 R48 v.1 Seeds of Something Different: An Oral History of the University of California, Santa Cruz, Vol. I Irene Reti, Cameron Vanderscoff, Sarah Rabkin    W O 
LD 781 .S518 R48 v.2 Seeds of Something Different: An Oral History of the University of California, Santa Cruz, Vol. II Irene Reti, Cameron Vanderscoff, Sarah Rabkin    W O 
? ML 3805 .R77 Science of Percussion Instruments Thomas D. Rossing  L W O 
N 6447.5 .G66 2012 What Are You Looking At? : The Surprising, Shocking, and Sometimes Strange Story of 150 Years of Modern Art Will Gompertz  L W O 
N 6490 .L42 V19 N1 Leonardo, Vol. 19, No. 1 (1986) International Society for the Arts, Sciences, and Technology  L W O 
? NA 997 .A57 G7 Christopher Alexander: The Search for a New Paradigm in Architecture Stephen Grabow  L W   
NA 2500 .A444 v.1 The Nature of Order: an Essay on the Art of Building and the Nature of the Universe, vol. 1 Christopher Alexander  L W O 
NA 2500 .A444 v.2 The Nature of Order: an Essay on the Art of Building and the Nature of the Universe, vol. 2 Christopher Alexander  L W O 
NA 2500 .A444 v.3 The Nature of Order: an Essay on the Art of Building and the Nature of the Universe, vol. 3 Christopher Alexander  L W O 
NA 2500 .A444 v.4 The Nature of Order: an Essay on the Art of Building and the Nature of the Universe, vol. 4 Christopher Alexander  L W O 
NA 2500 .A445 A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction Christopher Alexander, Sara Ishikawa, Murray Silverstein  L W   
NA 2708 .C88 Drafting House Plans June Curran  L W O 
NA 2850 .S8 Inside the Not So Big House Sarah Susanka, Marc Vassallo  L W O 
NA 7115 .C87 Drawing Home Plans: A Simplified Drafting System for Planning and Design June Curran  L W   
NA 7115 .S87 Not So Big Solutions For Your Home Sarah Susanka  L W   
NA 7208 .S884 Home by Design Sarah Susanka    W O 
NA 7208 .W68 1954 The Natural House Frank Lloyd Wright  L W O 
? NA 7218 .L44 Prairie Style: House and Gardens by Frank Lloyd Wright and the Prairie School Dixie Legler Guerrero, Christian Korab  L W   
NX 510 .N32 P47 Built to Burn: Tales of the Desert Carnies of Burning Man Tony Coyote Perez    W O 
NX 510 .N48 D64 This is Burning Man Brian Doherty  L W O 
? PE 1505 .H6 1989 Rhyme's Reason: A Guide to English Verse, new enl. ed. John Hollander  L W O 
PE 1505 .H6 2014 Rhyme's Reason: A Guide to English Verse, 4th ed. John Hollander  L W O 
PE 1505 .H6 2014 c.2 Rhyme's Reason: A Guide to English Verse, 4th ed. John Hollander  L W O 
PN 1992.77 .S6397 T56 Moonbase Alpha: Technical Operations Manual Chris Thompson, Andrew Clements    W O 
PN 4129.15 .A53 TED Talks: The Official TED Guide to Public Speaking Chris Anderson  L W O 
PN 6727 .B7568 H96 Hyperbole and a Half: Unfortunate Situations, Flawed Coping Mechanisms, Mayhem, and Other Things That Happened Allie Brosh  L W O 
PN 6727 .B7568 S65 Solutions and Other Problems Allie Brosh  L W O 
PN 6727 .M26 Z44 Zot!: The Complete Black and White Collection: 1987-1991 Scott McCloud  L W O 
PR 4611 .A7 The Annotated Alice Lewis Carroll  L W O 
PS 3558 .A353 F67 The Forever War Joe Haldeman  L W O 
PS 3568 .U298 S73 Spaceland: A Novel of the Fourth Dimension Rudy Rucker  L W O 
PS 3573 .E4932 F84 Fugitive Telemetry Martha Wells  L W O 
PS 3573 .E4932 S97 System Collapse Martha Wells  L W O 
PS 3611 .O74948 S63 The Spare Man Mary Robinette Kowal  L W O 
PS 3623 .E4324494 P76 Project Hail Mary: A Novel Andy Weir  L W O 
PZ 7 .L532 Harold and the Purple Crayon Crockett Johnson  L     
Q 173 .M966 What If? 2 Randall Munroe    W O 
QA 11 .P61 2022 How to Solve It, 2nd ed. George Polya    W O 
QA 75 .M4954 A Guide to HP Handheld Calculators and Computers W.A.C. Mier-Jedrzejowicz    W O 
? QA 76.3 .B78475 CCIE Routing and Switching Exam Certification Guide, 4th ed. Wendell Odom, Rus Healy, Denise Donohue  L W   
QA 76.54 .G34 POSIX.4: Programming for the Real World Bill O. Gallmeister  L W O 
QA 76.58 .A57 Foundations of Multithreaded, Parallel, and Distributed Computing Gregory R Andrews  L W O 
QA 76.6 .K64 1997 v.3 The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 3: Sorting and Searching, 2nd ed. Donald Knuth  L W O 
QA 76.642 .A53 Concurrent Programming: Principles and Practice Gregory R. Andrews  L W O 
QA 76.642 .N53 Pthreads Programming: A POSIX Standard for Better Multiprocessing Bradford Nichols, Dick Buttlar, Jacqueline Proulx Farrell    W O 
QA 76.73 .C15 C185 The C Standard: Incorporating Technical Corrigendum 1 British Standards Institute  L W O 
QA 76.73 .C15 P563 The Standard C library P. J. Plauger  L W O 
QA 76.73 .C15 P585 Notes on the Draft C standard Thomas Plum  L W O 
QA 76.73 .C15 P588 ANSI and ISO Standard C: A Guide for Programmers P. J. Plauger, Jim Brodie  L W O 
QA 76.73 .C153 O832 How Not to Program in C++: 111 Broken Programs and 3 Working Ones, or Why Does 2 + 2 = 5986? Steve Oualline  L W O 
QA 76.73 .C153 S43 The CERT C Coding Standard: 98 Rules for Developing Safe, Reliable, and Secure Systems Robert C. Seacord  L W O 
QA 76.758 .G36 Head First Git Raju Gandhi    W O 
QA 76.758 .P66 Version Control with Git: Powerful Tools and Techniques for Collaborative Software Development Prem Kumar Ponuthorai, Jon Loeliger    W O 
QA 76.76 .D47 H37 Learn Enough Developer Tools to Be Dangerous: Command Line, Text Editor, and Git Version Control Essentials Michael Hartl  L W   
QA 76.76 .O63 A545 2014 Operating Systems: Principles and Practice Thomas Anderson, Michael Dahlin    W O 
QA 76.76 .O63 L488 POSIX Programmer's Guide: Writing Portable UNIX Programs with the POSIX.1 Standard Donald A. Lewine  L W O 
QA 76.76 .O63 T359 2023 Modern Operating Systems, 5th ed. Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Herbert Bos    W   
QA 76.774 .F74 M35 2015 The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System, 2nd ed. Marshall Kirk McKusick, George V. Neville-Neil, Robert N.M. Watson  L W O 
QA 76.9 .A73 C65 Computer Structures: Principles and Examples Daniel P. Siewiorek, C. Gordon. Bell, Allen Newell  L W O 
QA 76.9 .C62 H36 Handbook of Floating-Point Arithmetic, 2nd ed. Jean-Michel Muller, Nicolas Brunie, Florent de Dinechin  L W O 
QA 76.9 .C643 P38 2021 Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface, 6th ed. David A. Patterson, John L. Hennessy  L W O 
QA 76.9 .N38 H37 Killer ChatGPT Prompts : harness the power of ai for success and profit Guy Hart-Davis  L W O 
QA 76.9 .N38 W65 What Is ChatGPT Doing ... and Why Does It Work? Stephen Wolfram  L W O 
QA 371.5 .D37 P76 Calculator Enhancement for Differential Equations: a Manual of Applications Using the HP-48S and HP-28S Calculators T. G. Proctor, D. R. LaTorre  L W O 
QA 447 .O76 Art Gallery Theorems and Algorithms Joseph O'Rourke    W O 
QA 699 .R8 1977 Geometry, Relativity, and the Fourth Dimension Rudolf v. B. Rucker  L W O 
QC 6 .S6535 The Trouble with Physics: The Rise of String Theory, the Fall of a Science, and What Comes Next Lee Smolin  L W O 
SB 473 .M447 Outside the Not So Big House: Creating the Landscape of Home Julie Moir Messervy, Sarah Susanka  L W   
SB 475.83 .H37 Plants and Landscapes For Summer-Dry Climates of the San Francisco Bay Region Nora Harlow    W   
SB 475.9 .F57 Firescaping: Protecting Your Home With a Fire-Resistant Landscape, 2nd ed. Douglas Kent  L W   
T 11 .M346 1998 Technical Communication: Situations and Strategies, 5th ed. Michael H. Markel  L W O 
TA 169.5 .D45 The Field Guide to Understanding 'Human Error', 3rd ed. Sidney Dekker  L W   
TA 365 .R67 2004 Principles of Vibration and Sound, 2nd ed. Thomas D. Rossing, Neville H. Fletcher  L W O 
TA 658.2 .H645 1999 Structural Design for the Stage Alys E. Holden, Bronislaw J. Sammler  L W O 
TH 4813 .W56 The Visual Handbook of Building and Remodeling: A Comprehensive Guide to Choosing the Right Materials and Systems for Every Part of Your Home Charlie Wing  L W   
? TH 6125 .K367 Code Check Plumbing Redwood Kardon, Michael Casey, Douglas Hansen  L W O 
TK 3271 .K37 Code Check Electrical: A Field Guide to Wiring a Safe House Redwood Kardon, Douglas Hansen, Michael Casey  L W O 
TK 4198 .L54 2000 Light Years Ahead: The Story of the PH Lamp, 2nd ed. Tina Jørstian, Poul Erik Munk Nielsen    W   
TK 5101 .B425 Mathematical Theory of Connecting Networks and Telephone Traffic V. E. Benes  L W O 
TK 5102.5 .D445 Digital Audio Signal Processing John Strawn  L W O 
TK 5103.592 .F73 W55 Free Space Optics: Enabling Optical Connectivity in Today's Networks Heinz Willebrand, Baksheesh S. Ghuman  L W O 
TK 5105 .S732 Handbook of Computer-communications Standards, v. 1 William Stallings  L W   
TK 5105 .S732 v.2 Handbook of Computer-communications Standards, v. 2 William Stallings  L W   
TK 5105 .S732 v.3 Handbook of Computer-communications Standards, v. 3 William Stallings  L W   
TK 5105.5 T36 2002 Computer Networks, 4th ed. Andrew S. Tanenbaum  L W   
TK 6553 .F7254 2007 Radio System Design for Telecommunications, 3rd ed. Roger L. Freeman  L W O 
TK 6565 .A6 B87 The Fast Track to Understanding Ham Radio Propagation Michael Burnette    W O 
TK 7815 .H67 The Art of Electronics, 3rd ed. Paul Horowitz, Winfield Hill    W O 
TK 7868 .D5 J635 High-Speed Digital Design: A Handbook of Black Magic Howard W. Johnson, Martin Graham  L W O 
TK 7868 .P7 .H56 Mastering Surface Mount Technology Vincent Himpe    W   
TK 7885 .T773 TRS-80 Micro Computer Technical Reference Handbook Radio Shack    W O 
TK 7895 .K36 68000 Microprocessor Handbook Gerry Kane  L W O 
TL 539 .T35 Fighting for Space: Two Pilots and Their Historic Battle for Female Spaceflight Amy Shira Teitel    W O 
TL 789.8 .U6 A5383 Journey to the Moon Eldon C. Hall  L W O 
TL 789.8 .U6 A593 What Made Apollo a Success? National Aeronautics and Space Administration    W O 
TR 145 .M49 How I Make Photographs Joel Meyerowitz    W O 
TS 585 .A26 Acoustics of Bells Thomas D. Rossing  L     
TX 651 .M27 2004 On Food and Cooking: The Science and Lore of the Kitchen Harold McGee  L W O 
TX 837 .S46796 The Simple Art of Vegetarian Cooking: Templates and Lessons for Making Delicious Meatless Meals Every Day Martha Rose Shulman  L W O 
UG 593 .Z48 Countdown to Zero Day: Stuxnet and the Launch of the World's First Digital Weapon Kim Zetter    W O 
Z 253 .U69 2017 The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th ed. University of Chicago Press Editorial Staff  L W O 

116 results

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