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Showing books on the shelf near QA 76.76 .O63 A545 2014

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Links: L = go to Library of Congress, W = go to WorldCat, O = go to Open Library.

   Call Number   Title   Author(s)   
QA 76.758 .P66 Version Control with Git: Powerful Tools and Techniques for Collaborative Software Development Prem Kumar Ponuthorai, Jon Loeliger    W O
QA 76.758 .S496 2013 Git Pocket Guide Richard E. Silverman  L W O
QA 76.758 .W56 Software Engineering at Google: Lessons Learned from Programming over Time Titus Winters, Tom Manshreck, Hyrum Wright    W O
QA 76.76 .A65 S785 Learn Docker in a Month of Lunches Elton Stoneman  L W O
QA 76.76 .D47 H37 Learn Enough Developer Tools to Be Dangerous: Command Line, Text Editor, and Git Version Control Essentials Michael Hartl  L W  
QA 76.76 .D47 L43 v.2 Programming Practice, Vol. 2 Henry F. Ledgard  L W O
QA 76.76 .D47 O988 2022 A Philosophy of Software Design, 2nd ed. John Ousterhout    W O
QA 76.76 .O63 A545 2014 Operating Systems: Principles and Practice Thomas Anderson, Michael Dahlin    W O
QA 76.76 .O63 L488 POSIX Programmer's Guide: Writing Portable UNIX Programs with the POSIX.1 Standard Donald A. Lewine  L W O
QA 76.76 .O63 N458 Learning the Bash Shell Cameron Newham, Bill Rosenblatt    W  
QA 76.76 .O63 T359 2023 Modern Operating Systems, 5th ed. Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Herbert Bos    W  
QA 76.76 .T55 B88 Programming with POSIX Threads David R. Butenhof  L W O
QA 76.76 .U84 O73 Managing Projects with GNU Make, 3rd ed. Robert Mecklenburg  L W O
QA 76.774 .F74 M35 2015 The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System, 2nd ed. Marshall Kirk McKusick, George V. Neville-Neil, Robert N.M. Watson  L W O
QA 76.8 .H48 K36 PA-RISC 2.0 Architecture Gerry Kane  L W O