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Showing books on the shelf near QA 76.618 .E33 2003

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Links: L = go to Library of Congress, W = go to WorldCat, O = go to Open Library.

   Call Number   Title   Author(s)   
QA 76.6 .K48 The Practice of Programming Brian W. Kernighan, Rob Pike  L W O
QA 76.6 .K495 The UNIX Programming Environment Brian W. Kernighan, Rob Pike  L W O
QA 76.6 .K64 1997 v.2 The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 2: Seminumerical Algorithms, 3rd ed. Donald Knuth  L W O
QA 76.6 .K64 1997 v.3 The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 3: Sorting and Searching, 2nd ed. Donald Knuth  L W O
QA 76.6 .N48 The Kollected Kode Vicious: Opinionated Advice for Programmers George V. Neville-Neil  L W O
QA 76.6 .W375 2013 Hacker's Delight, 2nd ed. Henry S. Warren, Jr.  L W O
QA 76.6 .W45 The Psychology of Computer Programming Gerald M. Weinberg  L W O
QA 76.618 .E33 2003 Introduction to Evolutionary Computing Agoston E. Eiben, J. E. Smith    W  
QA 76.618 .E75 2002 Estimation of Distribution Algorithms: A New Tool For Evolutionary Computation Pedro Larranaga, Jose A. Lozano  L W O
QA 76.642 .A53 Concurrent Programming: Principles and Practice Gregory R. Andrews  L W O
QA 76.642 .N53 Pthreads Programming: A POSIX Standard for Better Multiprocessing Bradford Nichols, Dick Buttlar, Jacqueline Proulx Farrell    W O
QA 76.7 .H558 1978 History of Programming Languages Richard L. Wexelblat  L W O
QA 76.7 .H558 1996 History of Programming Languages II Thomas J. Bergin, Richard G. Gibson  L W O
QA 76.73 .A95 A35 2023 AWK Programming Language Alfred Aho, Brian Kernighan, Peter Weinberger  L W O
QA 76.73 .C15 B47 Study Guide for C Programming A Modern Approach Manuel Bermudez    W O