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Showing books on the shelf near NA 7208 .S88

Show nearby books on shelf: at Home, at UCSC, in Storage, ? Unknown.
Links: L = go to Library of Congress, W = go to WorldCat, O = go to Open Library.

   Call Number   Title   Author(s)   
NA 2708 .C88 Drafting House Plans June Curran  L W O
? NA 2750 .C56 Arguments in Favor of Sharpshooting David Clarke  L W O
NA 2850 .S8 Inside the Not So Big House Sarah Susanka, Marc Vassallo  L W O
NA 7115 .C87 Drawing Home Plans: A Simplified Drafting System for Planning and Design June Curran  L W  
NA 7115 .S87 Not So Big Solutions For Your Home Sarah Susanka  L W  
NA 7115 .S873 More Not So Big Solutions For Your Home Sarah Susanka  L W  
NA 7125 .S87 The Not So Big House: A Blueprint for the Way We Really Live Sarah Susanka  L W  
NA 7208 .S88 Creating the Not So Big House Sarah Susanka  L W O
NA 7208 .S884 Home by Design Sarah Susanka    W O
NA 7208 .W68 1954 The Natural House Frank Lloyd Wright  L W O
? NA 7218 .L44 Prairie Style: House and Gardens by Frank Lloyd Wright and the Prairie School Dixie Legler Guerrero, Christian Korab  L W  
NA 7238 .S8 H36 Frank Lloyd Wright's Hanna House: The Clients' Report Paul Robert Hanna  L W O
NX 510 .N32 P47 Built to Burn: Tales of the Desert Carnies of Burning Man Tony Coyote Perez    W O
NX 510 .N48 D64 This is Burning Man Brian Doherty  L W O
PE 1408 .S772 1999 The Elements of Style, 4th ed. William Strunk, Jr., E. B. White  L W O