Burning Man 2007 Project
December 10, 2006 by
What will we do with a limited resource? Use it wisely or use it up? These choices are apparent in the refashioning of three children’s games, built eight-times larger than normal size, and arranged in a fenced “play area.” Participants are invited to play the games (Labyrinth, Shoot the Moon, and Dominos).… Inspiration
December 10, 2006 by
The Green Man.
I’m choosing an ecological interpretation.
The purpose of a government is to improve a society, and life in that society. Society under government should be better than society would have been without it.… Read the rest
Burning Man announced the 2007 theme early: The Games
December 12, 2006 by
Here are photos of the actual children’s games that I have.
Original width: 13 inches. This will be built 6 or 7 feet across, with legs. Surplus steering wheels will replace the knobs. It will take two people, cooperating, to control the tilt of the maze.… Dominos
March 5, 2007 by
Plastic Lumber Yard and Engineered Plastic Systems can provide 3×10 boards of black, recycled HDPE. These will be cut into proper-size pieces.
HDPE is a recyclable material made from, ironically, petroleum.… Read the rest
March 5, 2007: Domino Thoughts
Each domino will measure 18-½” x 9-¼” x 2-½”. The firms Labyrinth
April 26, 2007 by
April 26, 2007: Labyrinthine Thoughts
The more difficult-to-find materials have arrived.
Steering wheels
Steel rod for steering-wheel shafts
Unengraved, stainless-steel petanque balls
The maze itself will be constructed from a frame of wooden 2x4s supporting a 3/4″ plywood surface. Graphics will be spray painted (instead of applied by brush) to keep the surface flat.… Shoot the Moon
April 26, 2007 by
April 26, 2007 : Shoot the Moon
The more difficult-to-find materials have arrived.
White bowling ball
Teflon tape
I still need to choose which pipe to use for the control bars.
May 17, 2007: Preliminary Plans
The plans are almost done, except for details on the legs and the fake two-inch-diameter screwheads that hold the rods.… Seating
May 15, 2007 by
Playa Love Seats. The design that I created for Dangerous Games sculpts the ends of the original Playatech love seat and orients the back piece for better strength.
See the love seats’ Dangerous Plans PDF.… Read the rest
May 15, 2007: Seating
Seating will be provided by three modified Desert Test
June 15, 2007 by
Here’s the schedule for the pre-Burning-Man test:
Tuesday, July 3: Drop off and , leave , and arrive at .
July 4: Leave , and arrive at .
July 5: .
July 6: More .
July 7: Can you get enough ?… Dangerous Games at Burning Man 2007
November 4, 2009 by
the Man had burned four days early.
Participants enjoyed playing all of the games. Here campmates Veronika and Clay play the Labyrinth while Burning Man employee Pokie Dot knocks over the Dominos.… Read the rest
I installed the Dangerous Games at Burning Man 2007, starting Monday afternoon and finishing the next day after